Final Exam Essay There have no doubt been many happy moments in my lifetime however there is one in particular that outshines all the rest. Some affected my hearts happiness for a day‚ some a year but this particular one was for a lifetime. I am grateful for all the happiness that I have had but I feel outright blessed for what I consider was God’s gift to me. The happiest moment of my life and the one that had the most profound impact on my life without question‚ was the moment my bright
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_____________________________________ Date ________________________________ Period ___ My Dream Life Essay Due Date: Typed final drafts are due on _______________________ at the beginning of the period. Your graded final draft will be placed in your portfolio. Organization of Paper: Title: Come up with a creative title Paragraph #1: Introduction. Use one of the “hooks” from the six choices on side 2. Don’t forget to let your reader know what your essay will be about (career‚ family‚ friends‚ relationships‚ house
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“Run! You got this Hannah!”‚ shouted my dad. Hearing him cheer me on urged me to play tougher‚ run faster‚ kick the ball harder. I passed to one of my teammates‚ she scored‚ and the crowd went wild. I turned towards my dad and saw his smile explode across the field making me feel like the utmost adored person in the world. This was my junior year. It has been three months since my father abruptly died. I spent time with him on Sunday and he was gone on Monday. I felt desolate‚ heartbroken‚ and resentful
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Aimane Ouarour Professor Stephanie Gordon Ftouh Narrative paragraph second draft October 4‚ 2014 The Worst Day of my Life The loss of my grandfather was a disaster. It was the night before my great grandfather died. First of all‚ my family and I were sitting down at home watching a documentary about dolphins. Suddenly‚ I heard a knock in the door‚ so I went to open the door to find that it was my grandfather. I kissed his hand and his head but he was not happy as usual
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