DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY TITLE: ANALYSIS OF COPPER IN BRASS BY UV-VISIBLE SPECTROSCOPY NAME: OPOKU ERNEST DATE: 21ST JANUARY‚ 2014 Page 1 of 9 TITLE: ANALYSIS OF COPPER IN BRASS BY UV-VISIBLE SPECTROSCOPY AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: By the end of this experiment‚ the student should be able to demonstrate the following proficiencies: 1. To determine the percentage of copper in brass by UV-visible spectroscopy. 2. Properly calibrate and use a spectrophotometer. 3. Convert percent
Free Electromagnetic radiation Light Photon
INTRODUCTION Vapour absorption refrigeration system is one of the oldest methods of producing refrigerating effect. John Leslie in 1810 kept H2SO4 and water in two separate jars connected together. H2SO4 has very high affinity for water. It absorbs water vapour and this becomes the principle of removing the evaporated water vapour requiring no compressor or pump. H2SO4 is an absorbent in this system that has to be recycled by heating to get rid of the absorbed water vapour‚ for continuous
Premium Heat Heat transfer Thermodynamics
PHY 114: Absorption of Nuclear Radiation Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to determine the mass thickness attenuation factor for beta rays when they pass through polyethylene sheets of varying thicknesses. This was done by using an apparatus that measured the seven different intensities and then taking these values‚ putting them through a number of calculations and finally generating a graph of ln(I_corr) versus the thickness of the polyethylene sheets. Once this graph
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(12800 ~ 4000 cm-1)‚ mid-infrared region (4000 ~ 200 cm-1) and far-infrared region (50 ~ 1000 cm-1). scientists have established various ways to utilize infrared light. Infrared absorption spectroscopy is the method which scientists use to determine the structures of molecules with the molecules’ characteristic absorption of infrared radiation. Infrared spectrum is molecular vibrational spectrum. When exposed to infrared radiation‚ sample molecules selectively absorb radiation of specific wavelengths
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Experiment 6 Infra-Red Spectroscopy of HCl and DCl gas Abstract Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy has been very useful in helping scientists examining molecules of HCl and DCl. Because deuterium has a greater mass than hydrogen‚ the IR band shown for HCl is at a higher wavelength than DCl. The absorption of light in DCl was at lower frequency 1700-2200 cm-1 because D is bigger and heavier. That’s why the vibrations on the IR were shorter for DCl compared to HCl. The stretching of
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Introduction: The purpose of this lab was to learn how to use a spectrophotometer to measure the amount of light absorbed by different concentrations of salicylic acid‚ compare those concentrations to our unknown sample and to use the data collected to compile a graph showing the levels of absorbance of the different concentrations. Methods and materials: In this lab we used a spectrophotometer‚ a test tube filled with water to be used as a blank‚ six test tubes with different concentrations
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Micro-Raman Spectroscopy Raman spectroscopy is a micro-analytical method that showed many advantages in analysis of cultural heritage materials. It is a form of vibrational spectroscopy that allows the identification of particles in homogeneous materials in the micron order. The identification is employed on the basis of the molecular vibrational spectra of samples‚ obtained by excitation with visible laser light. In micro-Raman spectroscopy‚ the laser beam is focused by means of a microscope
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containing algae for two hours. The light transmission through the suspension and the oxygen concentration were then measured. light meter oxygen meter The results were used to plot the absorption spectrum and the action spectrum for each strain of alga. Fig.1.2 shows these spectra. strain A strain B absorbance absorption spectra 400 500 600 700 wavelength of light / nm rate of photosynthesis action spectra 400 500 600 700 wavelength of light / nm Fig. 1.2 © UCLES 2011 9700/51/O/N/11 3 (a) (i)
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The study of solar absorption air-conditioning systems V Mittal Assistant Professor‚ Mechanical Engineering‚ BRCM College of Engineering & Technology‚ Bahal (HR) and Research Scholar‚ NIT‚ Kurukshetra (HR) KS Kasana Professor‚ Mechanical Engineering‚ NIT‚ Kurukshetra (HR) NS Thakur Assistant Professor‚ Mechanical Engineering‚ NIT‚ Hamirpur (HP) Abstract An air-conditioning system utilizing solar energy would generally be more efficient‚ cost wise‚ if it was used to provide both heating
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Concentration = [0.005202(±0.09382%)mol/L]*[10(±0.02)mL/250(±0.12mL)] = 0.00020808(±0.22607%) = 0.00020808(±0.0000005)mol/L 3. Standard error of burette is 0.02mL in every reading. Solution | Desired Volume | Absorption 1 | Absorption 2 | Average Absorption | Standard 1 | 30 | 0.662 | 0.664 | 0.662 | Standard 2 | 25 | 0.544 | 0.546 | 0.545 | Standard 3 | 20 | 0.43 | 0.434 | 0.432 | Standard 4 | 15 | 0.317 | 0.309 | 0.313 | Standard 5 | 10 | 0.222 | 0.217 | 0.2195 | Standard
Premium Chemistry Spectroscopy Absorption spectroscopy