Working Papers Number 11/31 Youth unemployment in Spain: causes and solutions Economic Analysis Madrid‚ 27 September 2011 11/31 Working Papers Madrid‚ 27 September 2011 Youth unemployment in Spain: causes and solutions* Juan Ramón García. September 2011 Abstract Youth unemployment in Spain is a persistent phenomenon that has worsened during the current crisis. And at the levels now being registered (46.1% in 2Q11)‚ the measures to fight it can be delayed no longer. The evidence presented in
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Immigration Migratory movements to cities Unpopulated areas 3. Life expectancy 82‚3 years. Spain is the European country with a higher life expectancy‚ according to WHO. Economic 1. Low salaries Spain Wage Index Wages in Spain decreased to 90.83 Index Points in September of 2013 from 90.90 Index Points in August of 2013. Wages in Spain is reported by the Ministry of the Economy and Finance‚ Spain. Spain Wage Index averaged 73.11 Index Points from 1977 until 2013‚ reaching an all time high of
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REPUBLIC OF IRELAND & PORTUGAL Macroeconomics ECO201 Table of Contents 1. Introduction 3 1.1 Country Introduction 3 1.2 Sector Introduction 3 2. Findings 4 2.1 Gross Domestic Product 4 2009 4 2010 4 2011 5 2.2 Inflation 5 2009 5 2010 5 2011 6 2.3 Unemployment 6 2009 6 2010 6 2011 7 2.4 Balance of trade 7 2009 8 2010 8 2011
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Job Title | Description | Skills Required (list at least five skills‚ three of which are specific skills in the field of criminal justice). | Why are the skills listed needed to succeed in the position? | Crime Scene Investigator | In charge of investigating crime scenes‚ collecting and analyzing evidence | * Detail * Patience * A Logical and Deductive Mind * Communication skills * A strong stomach | These skills are important to succeed in this position because if you lack these skills
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MATHS INTERNAL ASSESSMENT ROAD ACCIDENTS DUE 1 Table of contents:- 1) Introduction 2) Personal expected outcome 3) Statement of the task 4) Methodology 5) Data collection 6) Data analysis 7) Mathematical process 8) Conclusion Appendix Research Question to what extent is the correlation between the rate of mortality between the drinking and the normal mortality To what extent is the mortality due to consumption of alcohol when compared to normal
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Anderson AP U.S. History August 14‚ 2014 Motives‚ Problems‚ and Rewards of European Exploration European expansion in the 1400’s was an unforeseen event that changed everything. This age endowed Europe to control something it never thought it could. With the persuasion of firm motives‚ the Europeans and their countries endured troublesome problems and prospered with advantageous rewards during the age of exploration and expansion. What provoked European countries in the early fifteenth century
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MERCADONA MARKETING MIX RESEARCH MARKETING MANAGEMENT SENDING INSTITUTION: RECEIVING INSTITUTION: TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 3 1. THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PRODUCT 4 2. PRODUCT 5 a) Dimension and focus 5 b) Aspects of differentiation and product quality 6 c) Product Portfolio 6 d) The Brand 7 3. PLACE 9 a) Commercial distribution concept 9 b) Logistics 9 c) The supply process 10 d) Intersuppliers 10 e) Points of Sale
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For those who believe the costs of space exploration are greater than the benefits‚ George Delucas‚ an astronaut who flew on the 1992 Columbia mission‚ says‚ “There will always be people who would like to put an end to space travel‚ but I don’t think that is what our population wants or needs. Our county has always been about exploration and the pursuit of knowledge” (Delucas qtd. in Malick 3). This quote generalizes the attitude many Americans have toward the space program. When the Apollo 11 crew
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microscope but either way‚ as humankind has developed so has technology and with it the capabilities to study creation on many vast new levels. A millennium ago people were not even aware of the existence of atoms or have the ability for space exploration. So‚ as our cultural development has expanded so has our cultural mandate along with it. The first artificial satellite was called Sputnik 1 in 1957. The word artificial refers to man-made and not naturally
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Jamestown: Why did so many colonists die? It was not an easy beginning. English settlers began arriving on the James River in Chesapeake Bay‚ region of Virginia‚ in the spring of 1607.They hoped to make the first permanent English settlement. But‚ there were many things that almost wiped out the whole settlement. There were three main causes of death; disease‚ starvation/dehydration‚ and attacks. Most of the available water supply was brackish and contaminated by the settlers themselves
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