Albert Camus’s classic novel The Stranger may be more appropriately entitled “The Island of Meursault‚” reflecting the detachment‚ indifference and isolation of the story’s narrator and protagonist. As seen by his obscure reaction to the death of his mother in the first line of text‚ it becomes immediately apparent to readers that Meursault’s mindset is a bit different than that of most people. Upon closer examination‚ one observes that Meursault possesses an outlook rooted in existentialism. This
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the writings of “Queen” and Albert Camus Albert Camus was one of the most renowned authors during the early twentieth century. With writings such as The Stranger‚ and The Plague‚ Camus has struck the world of literature with amazing works that are analyzed to a great extent. This amazing success was not just handed to Camus on a silver platter however; Albert endured many hard times and was often encumbered with great illness in his short life. These hardships that Camus had to face‚ emphasized in
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The eternity of futile and tedious work is suggested by Albert Camus‚ author of “The myth of Sisyphus”‚ as “hideous punishment” or even “hopeless struggle”. The origin of the cause of Corinth’s punishment comes in multiple variations. From disclosing information on a kidnapping of a mortal woman that Zeus committed in reward for a freshwater spring‚ to enchaining the spirit of death so that no human would die. In “This Myth of Sisyphus”‚ Camus talks about his fascination with Sisyphus’ state of mind
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the novel The Stranger and not only serves as one of the themes but probably the main reason Albert Camus wrote the book altogether. Presented in first person narration through the eyes of Meursault‚ the indifferent and apathetic main character‚ the novel serves to evoke the creed of existentialism through the embodiment of the philosophy in a person. Meursault ’s speech‚ thought‚ and actions are what Camus believed a person who innately possessed the tenets of existentialism would have. Existentialism
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Albert Camus’ The Outsider from an Ecocritical Point of View Vikram Jyoti Das EGE10026 Meursault- the protagonist of Camus’ The Outsider is shown as being influenced by nature. His character and actions are indicative of how an individual is affected by the environment in which he dwells and how a change in the surroundings affects his psychology. The character of Meursault also portrays the biological evolutionary notion of adaptability and how a superior species
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Existentialism arose during the bleak years of the Second World War to provide meaning in a Godless universe. Albert Camus illustrates this connotation of existentialism in his novel The Outsider. Camus focuses around the main character Meursault‚ who is on a journey of becoming a true existentialist. Meursault’s actions eventually lead him to an unnecessary court trial for his lack of emotion as opposed to the actual murder he committed. Through his futile imprisonment he accepts the consequences
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Society’s Perception of Meursault’s Character In “The Stranger” By Albert Camus Everybody’s life is shaped by their reputation. This is why people try to look good in the eyes of others‚ so they will have a good opinion. The main character in The Stranger astonishes others because he simply does not care about his reputation and what the society thinks of him. Meursault lives his life in a non-complex environment‚ not worrying about the events happening around him. However‚ this plays
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Albert Camus’ story "The Guest‚" takes place in the rough terrain of Algeria at the end of World War II. Algeria‚ under French control at the time‚ was very tense due to civil unrest of the Arabic people. The protagonist of the story is Daru‚ a solitary French schoolteacher who lives at a school on a remote plateau that has been deserted due to a freak snowstorm after eight months of drought. Two minor characters‚ a French policeman‚ Balducci‚ and an Arab prisoner arrive at the school. Balducci commands
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The stranger Chapter one commentary Meng Hua In chapter one of the stranger Camus have used special techniques and skills to portrait Meursault’s inner character without direct reference. Camus has achieved this using different diction‚ sentence structure‚ metaphors‚ contrasts and other types of literature techniques. Each line is carefully done so that readers can quickly grasp the unique character of “the stranger”. At the beginning of chapter one Meursault immediately reveals himself
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emotionless‚ removed man in a world filled of people who value the very things he deems unimportant. The culture of people around him‚ are ones who need explanations for why things happen or why things don’t happen. However‚ the main character of Albert Camus’s The Stranger‚ Monsieur Meursault sees no purpose in the
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