"Amendment 2" Essays and Research Papers

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    Jacoby then argues that pornography can hardly be deemed more offensive than Nazism‚ which is also protected by the First Amendment. Next‚ Jacoby takes on the argument that the First Amendment is refuted by kiddie porn by submitting that kiddie porn is an issue of child abuse‚ not the First Amendment. Also‚ she counters the argument made by feminists that censorship of pornography is more sensible than other forms of censorship‚ by pointing out that some nude depictions are attractive to some women

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    thirteenth amendment‚ the fourteenth amendment and the fifteenth amendment were abolishment of slavery and involuntary servitude‚ granted citizenship to all children who born or naturalized in the United States‚ declared state may not deny person’s life‚ liberty‚ property without the due process of law and prohibition on the federal and state government from stopping any citizens the right to vote because of their race and color. The main issues that were addressed by the thirteenth amendment were making

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    The first amendment gives the right for every American to speak and think freely. It gives the American citizens a freedom of expression which is important in the educators and the students. In the education environment the first amendment allows students and educators to use or exercise their judgment and create learning environments that will be beneficial to the students and the school as a whole. In public schools the first Amendment is slightly changed‚ although it does not mean public schools

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    Since the bill of rights‚ the 14th Amendment is perhaps the most important amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Although the 13th Amendment is very significant because it abolishes slavery‚ the 14th Amendment provided citizenship for the former slaves and provided the same legal benefits as the rest of the Americans. Also‚ the 14th Amendment can be seen as a foundation for follow on Amendments and policies that were passed to remove restrictions on voting by other races‚ allow women to vote and

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    The Eighth Amendment Excessive bail shall not be required‚ nor excessive fines imposed‚ nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted."Ever since the Eighth Amendment was ratified by the states in 1791‚ it has been a key part of our Constitution. The Eighth Amendment has protected our people from many things‚ including an overly high bail or "unnatural" punishments. It has ensured that in civil matters‚ as well as criminal cases‚ the people of America are protected from an overly high bail and cruel

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    Second Amendment and whether or not we should have gun control. With the Second Amendment specifically grants that "the right of the people to keep and bear arms‚ shall not be infringed." The controversy of it being that in the Second Amendment doesn’t specify who "the people" are. This being said it leaves room for the legislative bodies and court to pass laws and interpretations that influence the way this Amendment is applied and enforced. Along with the Bill of Rights‚ the Second Amendment was

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    The First Amendment states “ Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion‚ or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.“ This amendment prohibits the government from making a national religion as well as protecting those who practice any religion from Christianity to Judaism. This amendment was written on June 7‚ 1789 and ratified December 15‚ 1791. James Madison‚ include an attribute said “ The civil rights of none shall be abridged on account of religious belief or worship‚

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    The Second Amendment states “A well-regulated Militia‚ being necessary to the security of a free state‚ the right of the people to keep and bear arms‚ shall not be infringed. Every person has a different view on the Second Amendment. Is it a legitimate right or has it already fulfilled its purpose? I believe in the right as it has been established‚ however it needs provisions. A rising conflict in the United States is the right to bear arms. You’re either pro-Second Amendment or anti-Second Amendment

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    The Bill of Rights are the first ten Amendments that were written for the Constitution‚ and were created to strengthen the protection of citizen’s individual rights. These were written by House of Representatives member James Madison. There were two parties at the time‚ the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists. The Federalists believed that a Bill of Rights was unnecessary because the states and the people had the powers not specifically granted to the government. On the other hand‚ the Anti-Federalists

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    journalist‚ Susan Jacoby was labeled as a "First Amendment junkie" by many other women for her personal views concerning the censorship of pornography in society. Ultimately‚ she believed that censorship of any kind against pornography was wrong. Feminists were infuriated that another female acknowledged pornography ’s right to exist. Susan Jacoby did not necessarily agree with pornography‚ but she felt that its rights guaranteed under the First Amendment should not be excluded. There is no universal

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