One of the Few Honest People Merriam- Webster defines honesty as “free from fraud or trickery‚” but in The Great Gatsby‚ however‚ “honesty does not seem to determine which characters are sympathetic and which are not in this novel quite the same way that it does in others” (GradeSaver). F. Scott Fitzgerald has incorporated many different themes into The Great Gatsby‚ but one of the more prevalent themes is one of dishonesty‚ displayed through the characters’ various actions and affairs. Fitzgerald
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The past for some can be filled with joyful memories and happiness while to others can stir up feeling of grief and sorrow and can be representative of all the mistakes made. These memories can be very influential on essentially every aspect of one’s life‚ from emotional stability to decision-making abilities. Tennessee Williams in his contemporary play‚ A Streetcar named Desire‚ shows the significance of the memories of the past in the life of a young female protagonist. Blanche Debois’ past memories
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loss or perfect skin. The media has constructed the dominant idea of female beauty as a wonderful illusion. But‚ in reality‚ these airbrushed images of celebrities are unachievable and undermines a woman’s uniqueness and individuality. The value on appearance in a superficial manner has led to conformity‚ particularly in women who strive to fit categorised
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introduced to the antagonist‚ we develop sympathy for Abigail‚ "enters - a strikingly beautiful girl‚ an orphan‚ with endless capacity for dissembling." We are told that she is "strikingly beautiful" which undoubtedly gives us a brief visual aid of her appearance‚ author Arthur miller may have chosen to tell us this to suggest she is seductive and he emphasises the fact that she is "beautiful" with a powerful adverb‚ "strikingly". We then become aware that she is an "orphan"‚ this
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revenge can be ever justified. It also allows us to reflect on how revenge has wide ramifications‚ in this case it destroys the victim and the perpetrator. The main theme of appearance vs reality is highlighted in this soliloquy. This soliloquy is the first time the audience experience Iago’s treacherous‚ deceitful and manipulative character. “men honest that but seem to be so” shows how Iago plans on Othello’s nature of being trusting in himself‚ “honest Iago”. Another theme highlighted in
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“Drover’s Wife” and “In a dry season”‚ along with related text‚ “Lamb” by Emma Freeman. The two short stories and short film convey the universal principle of persistence‚ hardship‚ and mateship and a subtle but prevalent emphasis on deceit through appearance to ensure survival in an unforgiving and harsh environment. In ‘The drover’s wife’ Lawson creates powerful images by employing distinctively visual language that enables the responder to feel the hardships that others face. Concrete sensory description
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the dishonesty of the Puritan lifestyle not only by hiding Dimmesdale’s sin‚ but also in the villagers’ stereotypical assumption of Dimmesdale’s innocence given his name as “pastor” or “man of God.” Ultimately‚ Hawthorne purposefully creates the deceitful Dimmesdale as a representative of duplicity in the Bostonian community‚ as well as to address the worth of kindness to
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Ladan Abdullahi The Tragedy of Macbeth and Gender roles Every writer has an inspiration‚ whether they get inspired from their personal lives or the lives of others‚ nonetheless they get inspired. Inspiration is what causes authors to write‚ it is the fundamental reasoning behind writing. William Shakespeare is no exception to this. Although‚ William Shakespeare is considered to be one of the greatest playwrights of all time‚ nevertheless he was still influenced by various factors that led him
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Shah Akbur Ms. Jones AP Language 1 December 2009 The Crucible True Purpose One of the factors that can be accredited to starting the hysteria over witchery in the Crucible is the weakness of several of the characters in the story. The fear and lack of mental stability of these characters are a pivotal reason as to why these trials took place. It was Parris’s fear of his reputation being tarnished by his daughter’ssickness that led him to bring John Hale which eventually spirals down
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products. For example when it says “brother to sly brother” it is as if the goblins have spotted a vulnerable customer who they know they can persuade to buy their produce. Rossetti’s use of the word ‘sly’ infers that the goblins are devious and deceitful in their transaction of the goods‚ which suggests the greed associated with capitalism through a Marxist opinion. It could therefore be argued that‚ even though money is the central medium for business‚ in ‘Goblin Market’ the real value is in the
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