probably been more energy spent on debating the difference‚ advantages and limitations between qualitative and quantitative research methods‚ it can be said that this issue has been debated to death with many spending years proving which methods is the best. Qualitative and quantitative researches are the two basic research categories which are used in psychology‚ with both these type of research having advantages and best limitations to their use in researching. For quite a while there has been some
Premium Research Scientific method Quantitative research
Where do most real limitations to the yoga practice come from‚ according to Joel? According to Joel‚ the real limitations of the yoga practice come from our minds. Joel states that in yoga practice‚ when a person’s mind tires‚ our attention starts to wander around. When our mind wanders around‚ we neglect our sensitive
Premium Mind Mind Cognition
Sociology Asses the strengths and limitations of unstructured interviews for the study of boys underachievement at school Unstructured interviews have advantages and disadvantages and as a qualitative method they are expressed through words and relay people’s thoughts‚ feelings and motivations. Unstructured interviews are interviews that don’t have certain questions meaning it’s more free and relaxed. They give us a deep understanding of the interviewees world because we can use the answers
Free Interview Semi-structured interview Documentary film techniques
Assess the strengths and limitations of using group interviews to investigate anti-school subcultures (20 marks). There are many practical strengths and limitations when using group interviews for researching anti-school subcultures. The first strength is that it is a group of interviewees meaning that they are more confident especially with students who have similar characteristics with their peers in the interview because they are more comfortable which means they are not reluctant to answer the
Free Interview Semi-structured interview Documentary film techniques
Assess the Strengths and limitations of once of the following methods for the study of gender and attainment Participant Observation Participant observation is where a researcher will gain data from being in an open environment‚ wherever they are overt‚ meaning the participants being researched on know they are being researched‚ covert‚ meaning they do not know they are being researched and non-participating‚ where the researcher takes a step back and observes the situation rather than be involved
Premium Research Scientific method Research methods
Wouldn’t it be great if people could have children regardless of any diseases or even of their gender? Well‚ with human cloning‚ this may no longer be a dilemma to the human race. This is one of the many reasons why you should support human cloning. In addition to having a great and positive medical perspective‚ cloning allows individuals of great genius or talent to be duplicated and infertile or homosexual couples offspring. First of all‚ cloning has a very positive medical perspective. "Cloning
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rationally and reasonably. This essay aims to discuss whether these decisions we make are rational in the economic sense and reasonable in the lawyer’s sense and whether it ultimately matters? Rationality and reasonability are inseparable from decisions (Sibley; 1953). Every decision an individual makes is made‚ perhaps unconsciously‚ in the belief that it is rational and reasonable in their current environment as we would not make them otherwise. Their rationality and reasonability comes under scrutiny
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Medication is the most important treatment for bipolar disorders. I will outline the medication listed in the textbook and state their potential side effects and limitations in point form. Drug: Lithium Lithium is the first choice of treatment for bipolar disorders and it is indicated that Lithium is effective in the alleviation of manic and depressive episodes. 75-80% of patients who take Lithium as directed show improvement. One patient‚ on page 177 of the textbook‚ states that Lithium prevents
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cabinet in the executive branch of government in a parliamentary system. The Prime Minister of any government has different powers and limitations when it comes to governing any body of people. In both Barbados and Britain‚ the Prime Minister who governs their society has specific powers and limitations by which they abide. Sometimes these powers and limitations may or may not lead to Prime Ministerial Government. In the Caribbean‚ the prime minister has greater dominance over the executive than
Premium Separation of powers Presidential system Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
“Maintaining biodiversity at its present level is impossible if people are going to achieve a reasonable standard of living in the near future” - Discuss this with reference to a tropical biome you have studied (40 marks) Biodiversity means the variety of life forms/organisms in an ecosystem‚ biome or entire planet. Globally‚ biodiversity is not evenly distributed. It generally increases from the poles towards the equator as around 50% of the world’s plants and animals live in tropical rainforests
Premium Amazon Rainforest Rainforest Deforestation