Democracy is a state of which helps our civilization function properly. What was the Athenian democracy like? Was it just like the democracy of the United States we live in today? First we must take note of the political ideas of the Greeks. What did the Greeks mean by democracy? Their constitution is called a democracy because power was in the hands of not a minority but of a whole people. Everyone was believed to be equal in the eyes of the law. Political life is open and free‚ and so were the
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records of government were from Athens and Rome. Rome’s form of government was a Republic while Athens was a democracy. A republic means a government in which citizens elected representatives to rule on their behalf. A republic is quite different from a democracy‚ in which every citizen is expected to play an active role in governing the state. A democracy is ruled by the people. The Athenian Democracy and Roman Republic both had strengths and weakness in how democratic the government was‚ this is shown
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Democracy: Has it Always Been Focused on Equality? How does the society that gave us the democratic government of equality for all show such discrimination? Athenian government in ancient Greece was an incomplete democracy that has developed over time. The Treatment of women and foreigners in Euripides’ ancient Greek world is less civilized than in democratic societies existing today. In a society dominated by men‚ women had a severe bias put against them. Women had no control over their bodies
Premium Democracy Classical Athens Ancient Greece
I believe that there were multiple occurrences contributing the end of Greek‚ or Athenian democracy. These back to back occurrences contributed to the weakening of their city as a whole and as a result the eventual end of democracy. Though it seemed like there might be moments of democracy from time to time‚ these events were really the death knell. The most major were the Decelean War‚ the plague and death of Pericles‚ and the Macedonian take over. When Sparta turned its military attentions to
Premium Ancient Greece Classical Athens Sparta
Pericles chooses to praise the Athenian citizen‚ Socrates criticizes Athens’ people. Pericles gave his opinion at a funeral during the first battles of the Peloponnesian War‚ while Socrates gave his during the trial that ultimately led to his death. The Athenian city-state has become a model for today’s systems of government and a hearth for western philosophy‚ so Pericles’ opinion seems to be the one that is more accurate. Pericles starts his speech talking about the Athenian tradition of praising members
Premium Democracy Plato Ancient Greece
Our idea of democracy was derived from ancient Athens. Ancient Athens was very important in history because it was the first government to run as a democracy. Without their ideas‚ many other countries would not have a democracy. In Athens‚ women did not have a lot of freedom and spent most of their days in the house as a housewife. They were considered only one class above slaves and were practically an object that their husband owned. The role of women has improved a lot from Ancient Athens to modern
Premium Ancient Greece Democracy Athenian democracy
ancient Greece. This city-state‚ named after the goddess Athena‚ was famous for its innovations in architecture‚ arts‚ and government. The city-state of Athens is very famous for its unique system of government that was the first of its kind‚ direct democracy. This system allowed for the citizens of the city of Athens to decide what was to be done in their city‚ without the necessity of representatives to do what they thought the people wanted. The revolutionary system was developed so that everyone had
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Solution: In Athenians public life‚ the process of making decisions that affect the community is via democracy. However this form of democracy did not grant everyone in the community a say in the government. The only few who have right in government are men‚ free men with complete Athenian parents. According to our discussion forum‚ we discovered that democracy was the rule of the ‘Demos’ which means people that are free‚ native-born of Athens. These classes of citizens are referring to as ‘Thetes’
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associated with the origin of democracy. Basically‚ Greek government evolved from single rule to small group rule to rule by the people. Because each city-state in ancient Greece possessed its own government‚ some of these types existed other than democracy‚ namely monarchy‚ aristocracy‚ tyranny‚ oligarchy. This essay will compare and contrast the ancient governments‚ namely monarchy‚ aristocracy‚ tyranny‚ oligarchy and democracy in Ancient Greek city states. Democracy surfaced in Greece around
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While democracy in ancient Greece may not have survived in it’s original‚ non-representative state‚ it has still left a lasting impact on modern day democratic society. Athens was the birthplace of democracy‚ being the first place to adopt it as it’s political system. Athens having been the great economic power it was‚ showed the world that a government where the people hold equal power to each other‚ can work‚ that a small group of ruling elite isn’t necessary. Even after the fall of athenian power