Online Piracy The term piracy might make one have images of a peg-legged ship Captain brandishing a sword and an eye-patch on the salty seas‚ but this is far different from the more relevant battle between media consumers and the media industry. Online piracy is the newest and more discreet form of illegal plunder that is happening millions of times every day worldwide via the internet. It is the downloading of media for free; the ability to click the mouse and get basically any television show
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American Intercontinental University Unit 1 Individual Project CRJS 105 – Theories of Crime Causation November 11th‚ 2010 Abstract The following will examine the differences between criminalists‚ criminologists and forensic psychologists. It will then transition into how what exactly is a white collar crime and a blue collar crime. Lastly the paper will discuss the differences between index-one and index-two crimes as defined by the UCR. Media Portrayal of Crime Introduction With the
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shows that white collar crime is indeed extremely costly to businesses involved in both the government and private sector. However‚ the question that I want to ask is that‚ if white collar crime is so costly as compared to street crimes like petty theft‚ robbery‚ murder‚ and car jacking among others‚ why is it not being as severly handled? Everyday we hear of street criminals being punished for their deeds‚ but it is only rarely in Singaporean newspapers that we come across white collar criminals
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to this conclusion‚ and the potential defenses the defending party might assert and any inconsistencies that might arise with these defenses. First‚ Billy Bad boy is charged with committing murder in the first degree. Billy is also charged with theft of firearm (stolen). Plus‚ Billy is charged with occupying a stolen vehicle during the commission of a robbery and speeding. Furthermore‚ Billy is charged with money laundering. The charges for Billy are valid because he intentionally shot and killed
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Imagine yourself going into the bank to get money out of your account for your rent or other important bill‚ and the account is dry and you just got paid the day before..or going to pay a bill with your credit card and card after card is maxed out then you find out that someone has stolen all your information and used all of your resources to live and pay bills. If this happened to me my heart would be beating so fast in panic id probably pass out considering I have so many kids to provide for. Well
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(crimedoctor)? This could be an interesting fact for those who like to watch the first show I found. “It takes a thief” is a daytime series on the Discovery Channel. This particular show is meant to inform home owners of how unsecured their homes are from theft. This reality show is hosted by two reformed ex-convicts. During one episode the homeowner was made aware that most people leave their outdoor tool sheds unlocked. A thief could use this information to help them break into houses. How is this helping
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criminals: easy pickings. Not only has technology changed the crimes committed‚ it has also radically changed the face of the actual criminal. No longer just the shady character in the background‚ cyber crimes‚ everything from embezzlement to identity theft and money laundering‚ are happening at the hands of everyone from the professional in the desk beside you to the quiet neighbor across the street. Because cyber crime lacks the
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document a significant event in a chronological order. A permanent record of the event Leaves no questions in the minds of the reader It is factual Easily understood without being ambiguous Grammatically correct Shoplifting Assists Larceny Thefts Personal Accidents especially
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FBI partners with other agencies including the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security to fight computer crimes together. (FBI — Computer Intrusions. (n.d.). The court system needs harsher penalties for crimes involving fraud‚ theft‚ harassment‚ and stalking involving computers. No plea bargaining should be allowed. The local police should have a task force available for these types of crimes and treat them equal to other crimes. Computers may not appear dangerous but they make
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The "lifestyle/exposure theory" was developed by Hindelang‚ Gottfredson‚ and Garofalo (1978:243; e.g.‚ see Goldstein‚ 1994; Maxfield‚ 1987:275; Miethe‚ Stafford‚ and Long‚ 1987:184). This model of criminal events links victimization risks to the daily activities of specific individuals (Goldstein‚ 1994:54; Kennedy and Forde‚ 1990:208).Lifestyles are patterned‚ regular‚ recurrent‚ prevalent‚ or "routine activities" (Robinson‚ 1997b; also see Cohen and Felson‚ 1979; Felson‚ 1994; Hindelang‚ Gottfredson
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