inequality to particular ethnic groups. For example‚ in Australia‚ since European people arrived there in 1788‚ they have discriminated against indigenous people‚ Aborigines (Kuhn‚ 1998: 30). The European invaders drove most of Aboriginal people out of the mainland‚ and furthermore‚ they took a lot of indigenous children from their families and forced them to work at white farms or stations. They did not even consider Aboriginal people the citizen of Australia until 1967‚ and this continued in some states
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Chemistry Issues Investigation Issues Question: “Should the chlorination of water be banned in Australia?" Introduction Chlorine is a halogen abundant in the natural environment‚ typically found in the form of ionic chloride compounds. Once isolated into its elemental form‚ chlorine has a high oxidising potential‚ resulting in its use as a water disinfectant globally. Although water chlorination has significantly improved public health‚ recent studies suggest a correlation between the consumption
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For example‚ the ICCPR in which Australia is member clearly declares the fundamental human rights such as “Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression”.[25] Some proposed human rights violations such as “defamation of religion”[26]not recognised internationally cannot be imported
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They were implemented to continue biased beliefs that white people were superior‚ and so clearly favoured them. This can be seen predominately in the White Australia Policy. Origins of this policy can be found in the 1850s to white miners’ resentment toward the industrious Chinese diggers‚ which often culminated in violence. In 1901‚ the new federal government passed the Immigration Restriction Act. This placed
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Topic 5 – Australia in the Vietnam War AUSTRALIA’S RESPONSE TO THE THREAT OF COMMUNISM IN ASIA AFTER WWII Korean War: * 1945‚ Japan was forced out of Korea – country became divided along thaw 38th parallel. * Northern – Russian. Southern – Americans * UN arranged for Korean elections in 1947 * ^ allowed to take place in the south – establishment of the Republic of South Korea * Following them the Russians decided to create the Democratic Peoples’ Republic of Korea
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East‚ Africa‚ Asia Pacific and the United States through the Company ’s subsidiary undertakings‚ joint ventures‚ associated undertakings and investments. In Australia‚ Vodafone is operated by Vodafone Hutchison Australia (VHA)‚ a 50:50 joint venture between Vodafone Group Plc and Hutchison 3G Australia. Vodafone Hutchison Australia (VHA) operates the Vodafone‚ 3‚ and Crazy John ’s brands. However‚ it has been very difficult for Vodafone to fight with the Australian duopoly (Telstra- Optus)
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activities‚ support groups‚ and to introduce serious laws against traffickers and most importantly respect the non-refoulement principle. The Commonwealth of Australia Provides advocacy‚ support‚ protection and legal advice to refugees and asylum seekers in Australia‚ and support to those repatriated to their homelands. The Refugee Council of Australia is small‚ not-for-profit organization and relies on public financial support to continue its vital
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Modern Australia; there’s no place for sexism Lovely woman‚ hesitating Round the booths in sweet dismay Her gentle bosom palpitating Lest she cast her vote away 1902‚ a moment of such Liberation‚ such pride. It was the period when Australia became one of the first countries to allow women to vote. The poem I just read described how anxious women were to have their say for the first time. It was a hope for equality‚ men and women‚ same opportunities‚ same treatment. To this day‚ many will still
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“The criminalization of marijuana does not stop its use therefore it should be legalized”. So should marijuana be legal? Two factors have been fighting on this issue for many years: people who say marijuana should be legal and others who are fighting to keep it illegal. Many debates have been had over this issue for many years. Marijuana consists of a mixture of leaves‚ stems and tops of the “Cannabis sativa plant”‚ or hemp plant. Marijuana is also known as grass‚ pot‚ tea‚ or weed. “Both male
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Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health. There is many Australia’s suffering from this nutrition problem with approx 1 in 4 Australian children aged from 2 to 17 are overweight at this present time which is an outstanding figure and something not to be proud for. According to the 2016 National Health Survey approx. 53.6% of all Australians stated that they are overweight and 18% of all people stated that they are obese. These rates have
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