Lab report is one way we used during of after an experiment in a laboratory to subtly record and discuss the experiment. During a lab‚ we sometimes can observe only the physical part of the experiment‚ or may be some visible chemical changes. These changes indicate that the experiment we do is successful or not. However‚ in order to understand and achieve more from just simply doing the experiment‚ we write lab report to more profoundly understand the internal meanings of the experiment we do‚ and
Premium Critical thinking Thought
Chem 105 Guide to the Formal Laboratory Report The purpose of a formal report is to communicate effectively to another person the goal‚ procedure‚ data analysis method‚ and results of your laboratory work. The report is divided into several well-defined sections. Each section must be present in a complete report. To earn an outcome point for the laboratory report‚ a student must submit a formal lab report that earns a score of at least 90/100. Each error (factual‚ grammatical‚ typographical
Premium Chemistry Experiment
Organic Chemistry II Lab 9 Fermentation of a Carbohydrate: Ethanol from Sucrose * Introduction Ethanol is one of the oldest alcohols and also the least toxic one. Industrially‚ ethanol is made most economically by hydration of ethylene. However‚ ethanol that is intended for human consumption must‚ by law‚ be prepared by fermentation. By either method‚ ethanol‚ of course‚ has the same formula‚ structure‚ and properties. The fermentation takes place with the assistance of enzymes from yeast in 2
Premium Ethanol Glucose Carbon dioxide
is involved with the cannon being fired then the force of gravity would cause the cannon to start to slow down‚ wouldn’t go as far and the direction or trajectory of the cannon ball would be a curved line going down. Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to give the student a better understanding about projectile motion and to understand Newtons theories and laws of motion. We will be firing the plastic ball from the projectile launcher three times from eight different angles from the ground &
Premium Range of a projectile Force Newton's laws of motion
[Teacher] [Course] [Date] Catalase Lab Report An enzyme is something that helps to speed up a chemical reaction. The enzyme changes from reaction to reaction‚ but it always has the same impact. However‚ certain variables may cause the enzyme to have a more or less significant impact on the speed of each reaction. One of these variables that changes the effectiveness of an enzyme is temperature. There is an optimal functioning temperature for each enzyme in each reaction‚ depending on the desired
Premium Chemical reaction Oxygen Water
light. This lab will evaluate the optimal wavelengths and degrees of intensity during photosynthesis when chloroplast is exposed to light. The mixtures of DCPIP with water‚ PO4 buffer‚ and chloroplast will be prepared in a number of cuvettes. The cuvettes were tested individually at different wavelengths and intensities to find the optimal rate of photosynthesis by using a spectrophotometer‚ measuring the greatest change in absorbance. From this experiment‚ two data charts and four graphs were obtained
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Ethology Frank Brock‚ Jr. A.P. Biology 2012 ABSTRACT: website: INTRODUCTION (with hypothesis): Define Human ethology….. Humans interact frequently by HNC (Human Non-verbal Communication)- and define Hypothesis…Based on prior knowledge of non-verbal communication in human interactions‚ females are more expressive than males in most cases. METHODS: The Mooresville High School A.P. Biology class observed 4 group interactions
Premium Male Human Female
cheese. Lactic acid bacteria(LAB)‚ a bacteria that can be found in the production of cheese‚ its stress gene was investigated in the experiment by using various biochemical and genetic techniques to identify and extract. The characterisation of the strain illustrates how identification of strains differ using different methods‚ such as gram stain and 16s rRNA screening. After the characterisation‚ the stress gene isolation assist the further understanding of the gene on LAB be giving different stress
Premium Bacteria
H Week 8 Week 8 Lab: Molecular Biology Review Test Submission: Molecular Biology Lab Assessment Review Test Submission: Molecular Biology Lab Assessment Us er Cours e Introduction To Biology Tes t Molecular Biology Lab As s es s m ent Started 8/19/14 10:14 AM Subm itted 8/19/14 10:22 AM Status Com pleted Attem pt Score 27 out of 30 points Tim e Elaps ed 7 m inutes out of 2 hours . Ins tructions
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Introduction! ! The Michelson Interferometer is commonly used to determine the wavelength of light or measure very small distances. It was invented by Albert Abraham Michelson and is commonly used in optical interferometry‚ a branch of physics involving a family of techniques one could use to extract information about waves by superimposing them. ! ! The original application of the Michelson Interferometer was to the famous Michelson-Morley experiment in 1887. Prior to Einstein’s
Premium Light Diffraction