| Rural vs Urban Living by x22x33x9 in Subcultures‚ March 20‚ 2009 Differences between urban land and rural land. There are many distinct characteristics that allow us to easily differentiate between rural and urban areas. Urban areas have a high (concentrated) density because it contains high amounts of people in small areas‚ and vice versa for rural areas. With this information‚ it can easily be inferred that urban areas create greater noise‚ but with greater job opportunities as well as
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Origins of the Name The word‚ Aluminium originates from the ancient Latin word for alum‚ alumen‚ which is potassium aluminum sulfate‚ meaning “bitter salt”. We pronounce the element of aluminium’s name as follows‚ al-yuh-min-ee-uhm‚ which conforms to the IUPAC pronunciation of the word‚ with the regular ‘ium’ ending of majority of the elements of the periodic table. The History Aluminium was first discovered in 1825‚ by early discoverer‚ Hans Christian Oersted in Denmark. Before this time‚ alum
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Part II: For the following questions‚ provide your response in short-answer format (2–3 detailed sentences each). Use this Phase’s activities and resources to assist you in answering. 7. What is pH? a. pH is a measurement of hydrogen ion concentration. It measures rather the solution is acid‚ base‚ or neutral. 8. What is a base? a. Accepts hydrogen ions from another substance that have a pH>7. It taste bitter and feel slippery. 9. What is an acid? a. Component with a positive or
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#Of people with trait Free earlobes 20 100% Attached earlobes 0 0% Hair on knuckles 5 25% No hair on knuckles 15 75% Widow’s peak 5 25% Straight hair line 15 75% Curly hair 10 50% Straight
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1. Outline the process of DNA profiling (genetic fingerprinting)‚ including ways in which it can be used. 6 marks • sample of DNA obtained / leucocytes / from mouthwash / hair / other named source • satellite DNA / repetitive sequences used for profiling • amplification of DNA by polymerase chain reaction / PCR • cutting DNA into fragments using restriction enzymes • separation of fragments of DNA (by electrophoresis) • separation according to the length of the fragments • pattern of
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mammal A warm-blooded animal with hair or fur; female mammals produce milk to feed their young. fish Vertebrates which live in water‚ usually have scales and breathe through gills. amphibian A vertebrate with moist skin and no scales that lives part of its life in water and part on land. bird Egg-laying vertebrates with feathers and forelimbs modified as wings. reptile A vertebrate that lays eggs and has lungs and scaly skin. invertebrate
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IB Home Standard Level Higher Level Options Additional Resources 8.2 Photosynthesis 8.2.1 Draw and label a diagram showing the structure of a chloroplast as seen in an electron micrograph 2D Representation 3D Representation Electron Micrograph 8.2.2 State that photosynthesis consists of the light-dependent and light-independent reactions Photosynthesis is a two-step process: 1. The light dependent reactions convert the light energy into chemical energy 2. The light
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Why a Bill of Rights and What Impact Does it Have? All have heard the saying‚ “Great minds think alike.” When many great minds of the colonies gathered to create a new government‚ two rarely thought exactly alike. The Bill of Rights was created through the kind of debate and exchange of ideas that it protects to this day. The Declaration of Independence states the purpose of government is to protect our basic human rights. This was one principle that all the Founders did agree on. But if
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Campbell’s AP Biology Notes Chapter 48: Nervous Systems Command and Control Center * The human brain contains an estimated 100 billion nerve cells‚ or neurons * Each neuron my communicate with thousands of other neurons * Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is a technology that can reconstruct a 3-D map of brain activity * The results of brain imaging and other research methods reveal that groups of neurons function in specialized circuits dedicated to different tasks
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Emulsifiers What does an emulsifier do? Emulsions in food are mixtures of oil and water. These normally do not mix and will separate if left without an emulsifier. Emulsifiers are among the most frequently used types of food additives. They are used for many reasons. Emulsifiers can help to make a food appealing. The example of the mayonnaise without the emulsifier shows how unappealing it would be if the oil and water separated before it was used. Emulsifiers have a big effect on the structure
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