"Biopsychosocial perspective breast cancer" Essays and Research Papers

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    Breast Cancer and Stress

    • 1986 Words
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    touched by cancer; through family members‚ friends‚ or coworkers. Cancer does not discriminate; it affects people of all races‚ genders and classes. It is caused by a DNA glitch. DNA is a part of the cell that directs cell reproduction and growth. Instead of allowing for the normal‚ slow growth of new cells‚ the impaired DNA causes quick cell growth and reproduction‚ which takes a toll on the body. Breast cancer is a disease that mainly affects women and it is the leading type of cancer by sex and

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    Breast and Ovarian Cancer

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    Persuasive Speech Title: Breast and Ovarian Cancer Purpose Statement: This speech has a primary goal of educating the audience and to give a better understanding of what breast cancer is and how it can be treated with detection by a vast variety of methods. It will also give better understanding that not only women but men also are susceptible to breast cancer. Introduction I. Attention: There are a number of researches done about breast and ovarian cancer. Breast cancer is the second largest

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    Breast Cancer Prevention

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    |Prevention methods for breast cancer There are no known ways to prevent breast cancer[pic]. However‚ for women who are at increased risk of developing breast cancer and even for those who have just an average risk‚ there are tangible ways to reduce the risk of the disease advancing to an incurable stage‚ including: • Having a clinical breast exam[pic] every three years (for women who are under the age of 40) • Getting a mammogram every one to two years after age 40 (or possibly

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    Male Breast Cancer

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    Male Breast Cancer‚ Causes‚ Risk Factors and Prevention By Istvan S Diego Introduction Notwithstanding that male breast cancer is a rare phenomenon‚ it is still possible. Such cases account for only 1% of all breast cancer. The American Cancer Society forecasts that over 1‚000 new cases of breast cancer in men will be diagnosed in 2010 ("Male Breast Cancer"). The survival rate in men is lower than in women‚ mostly because men often report the symptoms of breast cancer too late ("Male Breast Cancer")

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    What Is Breast Cancer

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    Introduction: What is breast cancer? Breast cancer will strike one in every eight American women. This makes it the most common cancer in woman. Approximately 200‚000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer each year. Of that number‚ 40‚000 will die from breast cancer each year. (Journal of Environmental Health 2003) Breast cancer is just one type of cancer. Cancerous cells are cells that grow without the normal system of controls placed upon them. Breast cancer develops from the mammary

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    Breast Cancer Awareness

    • 1695 Words
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    Thesis Statement: While both women and men can also get the breast cancer disease there is a cure with awareness to breast cancer. I. Breast Cancer and Who It Attacks A) What Is the Disease and Who It Affects 1. Disease which is a malignant cancer 2. Cells forms within the tissue of the breast 3. Victims are shocked 4. Both men and women get this disease 5. Women will be diagnosed more than men II. Common Risks Factors For Breast Cancer A) This Disease Can Be Caused By 1. One’s diet and lifestyle

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    Breast Cancer Treatment

    • 1338 Words
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    Breast Cancer Treatment Only lung cancer kills more women each year in the United States than breast cancer does. The American Cancer Society (ACS) estimates that over 184‚000 new cases of breast cancer were diagnosed in women in 1996 (ACS Breast). Although these statistics are alarming‚ there are a number of treatment options available for those that are diagnosed with breast cancer. The best way to treat any disease is to prevent it. Since little is known about breast cancer‚ there are no

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    Breast Cancer Mammography

    • 556 Words
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    Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among women worldwide. Overall‚ 10.9% of all cancer patients‚ including men and women‚ belong to the breast cancer community. Breast cancer occurs frequently in women‚ though‚ 1% of all breast cancer patients are men (Boyle & Levin‚ 2008). According to IARC records‚ a total of 1‚677‚000 incidents of breast cancer have been reported in both developing and developed countries in 2012 (International Agency for Research on Cancer‚ 2013). While breast cancer

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    Breast Cancer Research

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    Breast Cancer Research Biology 1010 Breast Cancer is a dynamic and devastating disease that kills and affects millions of people. Some of the newest research is fascinating. There have been discoveries from what may potentially cause breast cancer‚ to preventions of breast cancer. To understand the research behind breast cancer and why it is so important you must first understand what breast cancer is. Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that starts from cells of the breast. A malignant tumor

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    Effects of Breast Cancer

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    Category: Health Theme: Breast Cancer Topic: The impact of breast cancer on the physical and psychological health of women in Jamaica Can you imagine losing all your hair‚ losing your breast the essence of your femininity? These are just some of the side effects of being diagnosed with breast cancer. According to the Merriam Webster Medical Dictionary‚ one of America’s most trusted dictionaries‚ Breast cancer is a malignant disease which results in an uncontrolled growth of breast cells caused by mutations

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