I joined a public school for kindergarten like everyone else as a kid. I made friends‚ and learned basic information just as any other 5 year old. I always came home and told my mom‚ "I didn’t learn anything new today!"‚ taking it as evidence of my brilliance. I eventually came to the conclusion that I the reason I didn’t learn anything wasn’t because I already knew everything to know that year‚ it was because the school wasn’t teaching anything new. We knew I could do better‚ and so we decided‚
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1 Math. Techniques 1 - Algebra 2 - Trigonometry 3 – Analytic geometry 4 - Computer simulation 5 – Calculus Algebra: Use symbols to stand for numbers. Example 101 lecture 1 2 2 – Trigonometry We start with right triangles. Trigonometry Example But there’s more to it than that. 101 lecture 1 3 3 – Analytic geometry The ellipse Use algebra (and calculus) to analyze geometry problems. Key technique: coordinates Rene DesCartes 101 lecture 1 4 4
Premium Geometry Mathematics Analytic geometry
A) Explain the main strengths of Mills Utilitarianism? With rule utilitarianism you first have to agree to the general rule then after you apply it to specific cases. Some people see Mill as a rule utilitarian‚ which means that you act in accordance with those rules which‚ if generally followed‚ would provide the greatest general balance of pleasure over pain. This rule is also in line with how society works in the way that most people would prefer to cause pleasure rather than pain. Mill separates
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Explain the key features of Utilitarianism. Utilitarianism is the belief that the rightness of an action‚ rule or principle is to be judged by its presumed consequences. Whilst Kant developed his view that human beings were rational animals who can develop a moral society based on reason. Kant based his moral philosophy on what he regards as a priori knowledge. Utilitarian’s in coming to a conclusion about the rightness of an action‚ rule or principle‚ are forced to answer two fundamental moral
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In the classical school of thought‚ individuals must be motivated to commit crimes through the availability of an opportunity. In practice‚ classical theories are important in understanding victimization as well. Demographics and lifestyle are important predictors of victimization (the process by which victims and offenders get in contact with one another). Many researchers have found that aspects such as being male‚ unmarried‚ leading an active lifestyle and using bars can have an important influence
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important. He came up with the Binomial Theorem and was one of the two creators of calculus. These discoveries represented a quantum leap in the fields of math and science allowing for calculations that more accurately modeled the behavior of the universe than ever before. Without these advances in math‚ scientists could not design vehicles to carry us and other machines into space and also plot the best and safest course. Calculus gave scientist the tools to set
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differential geometry‚ Stokes’ theorem (or Stokes’s theorem‚ also called the generalized Stokes’ theorem) is a statement about the integration of differential forms on manifolds‚ which both simplifies and generalizes several theorems from vector calculus. The general formulation reads: If is an (n − 1)-form with compact support on ‚ and denotes the boundary of with its induced orientation‚ and denotes the exterior differential operator‚ then. The modern Stokes’ theorem is a generalization of
incorporating direct control and/or blocking into the design of the experiment. Each of these strategies—random assignment‚ direct control‚ and blocking—is described as follows; A researcher can directly control some extraneous variables. In the calculus test example‚ the textbook used is an extraneous variable because part of the differences in test results might be attributed to this variable. We could control this variable directly‚ by requiring that all sections use the same textbook. Then any
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Bloom’s Taxonomy of Education NUR/427 Bloom’s taxonomy or also known as the revised bloom taxonomy is a great teaching tool to use when teaching patients about their illness. It consists of three categories and then multiple sub-categories. Blooms taxonomy addresses not only the patient’s readiness to learn but it address the appropriate approach to each individual situation. It gives a systematic way of approaching a topic and the audience that will be learning. When this method
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