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    Respiratory System

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    Krisha A. Aguilar Prof. Ivan Marcelo Duka G-7L BIO 2 RESPIRATORY SYSTEM The Respiratory system consists of organs and tissues that aid the oxygen to travel in the body and emits the waste gases out of the body. It is also called as the oxygen delivery system for it is the system responsible in delivering the oxygen to all parts of the body. The process of breathing‚ the inhalation of oxygen and exhalation of carbon dioxide‚ is called respiration. Respiration can be described

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    Respiratory System

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    Respiratory System Terminology adenoid/o adenoids Adenoidectomy adenoid hypertrophy alveol/o alveolus‚ air sac alveolar bronch/o bronchi/o bronchial tube‚ bronchus Bronchospasm: This tightening of the bronchus is a chief characteristic of asthma and bronchitis Bronchiectasis: Caused by weakening of the bronchial wall from infection. Bronchodilator: This drug causes dilation‚ or enlargement‚ of the opening of a bronchus to improve ventilation to the lungs. An example is albuterol

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    The Respiratory System

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    The respiratory system The respiratory system is responsible for providing oxygen and removing carbon dioxide‚ heat and water vapours. All living creatures require oxygen and give off carbon dioxide. Oxygen is required for every cell in your body to function. Structure of the respiratory system: Normally air is taken in through your nose however sometimes it is taken in through your mouth and passes through a series of airways to reach the lungs. This series of airways is known as the respiratory

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    Respiratory System

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    Source google Respiratory System Lung Model Grade: 5th   Rational: Students can’t look inside their chest and observe how their lungs work. After making a working model of the respiratory system students can connect what they read about the respiratory system with what they see. Prior Knowledge: Students have read aloud a respiratory system chapter from their science book‚ "Discovery Works" in class. Students should know the parts of the respiratory system and the basics of how it operates

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    Respiratory System

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    Respiratory system: The respiratory system is a combination of the Circulatory and Pulmonary systems feeding oxygen and nutrients to cells all around the body. These systems allow oxygen to enter the body‚ and be circulated around the body at a varying rate. These two systems work in conjunction with each other and have various rates of operation that are usually in as close a correlation as possible. Circulatory System: The circulatory system’s primary responsibility is to circulate oxygenated

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    Respiratory System

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    The Respiratory System At the end of this topic students will be able to: • Compare the respiratory systems • Describe the mechanic of respiration - Air passage principals - Ventilation - Lung volume and respiration cycle - Respiration rate • Explain gas exchange - Partial pressure - Oxygen separation curve • Discriminate gas transportation - Oxygen and carbon dioxide Respiration : - all processes that accomplish movement of O2 from the environment to the tissues - has 2 components : a)

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    Respiratory System

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    Complete information on the mechanism of Respiratory System in Man NIRMALA AGARWAL Respiratory organs are those which are concerned with the passage of the air to and from the lungs. The latter are‚ of course‚ mot important of all. The passage is also called respiratory tract. For the sake of convenience‚ the respiratory tract can be divided into upper and lower parts. The upper part extends from the external nostrils (external openings of nose) to the vocal sac present in the neck. The lower part

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    Respiratory System

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    Exercise No. Respiratory System I. Introduction Oxygen is a very important element which our body needs. Without oxygen life is not possible without oxygen which helps in producing energies that our body cells need. But‚ how do we acquire this oxygen needed by the body? It is by the process called Respiration. Respiration is a process of taking in and out of air from the body. There are two kinds of respiration called cellular respiration and external respiration. Cellular respiration

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    Respiratory System

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    Research Paper The Respiratory System As humans‚ our body is made out of different systems‚ which work together to make us live day by day. One major system is the respiratory system. The respiratory system includes the nose (the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses)‚ pharynx (throat)‚ larynx (voice box)‚ trachea (windpipe)‚ bronchi‚ and the lungs. The respiratory system begins from our respiratory tracts that carry air to and from the exchange surfaces of the lungs. Respiratory tract can be divided

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    The Respiratory System

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    The human body requires many things to function. One of the most important requirements is oxygen. Oxygen is used by the entire body to make energy. The Respiratory System collects and filters the air we breath to get that precious oxygen. The respiratory(breathing) process begins when you inhale and air is taken in through the mouth and/or nose. The air flows into the pharynx(throat) and enters the trachea(windpipe). The air then flows into one of two bronchi‚ left bronchus and right bronchus.

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