"Causes of glabal warming" Essays and Research Papers

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    Effects of Global Warming

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    of global warming. Global warming refers to the rise in the average temperature of oceans and Earth’s atmosphere since the 19th century and its continuation till today (Wikipedia‚ 2012). Since the 20th century‚ the earth’s surface’s temperature has increased 0.8°C (Wikipedia‚ 2012). The increase seems diminutive‚ but such unsubstantial change has exerted a devastating influence on the whole planet. The environment‚ the people and animals on earth have all suffered from global warming. It is high

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    Essay Global Warming

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    of our environment is not a liberal or conservative challenge‚ it’s common sense.” -Ronald Reagan.[1] Global warming is the rise of the temperature in air and the major reason of this problem is the drastic increase in the emission of CO2 caused by burning fuels.[2] The rise of the greenhouse gases started around the 1950’s because of the rise of industries and factories. [3] Global warming didn’t start in a specific location rather in the places with a higher industrial concentration like in United

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    Is Global Warming Real?

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    Is global warming real and the result of human’s excessive pollution? This is a question that is constantly under dispute. To be able to argue this topic one first needs to know what global warming is. Global warming is “an increase in the earth’s average atmospheric temperature that causes corresponding changes in climate and that may result from the greenhouse effect”(dictionary). Now that it is apparent what is being argued‚ there are two layers to this debate. One is the argument that global

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    Global Warming Essay

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    2014 Global Warming Essay The idea of global became prevalent when the world began industrializing. As the popularity of cars grew and industrial factories began to spring up the air quality suffered. The problem was not recognized because‚ aside from a few orange skies‚ there were no obvious effects. Although in this day and age we can see what global warming is doing to our Earth‚ there are still those people who believe that humans are too small to make an impact. Global warming is too often

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    Global Warming Debate

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    In the controversy over whether Global Warming there is two sides in which people can choose either human caused or just Mother Nature doing her thing. Most scientists will tell you that Global Warming is mostly the cause of humans. While there are some who will disagree and say that it is just nature doing what it has done for thousands of years. For most scientists the topic of global warming is one that is caused by us humans. They have many facts data to back this up. Some examples of these

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    Effects Of Global Warming

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    Effects of global warming Global warming can bring many long-lasting and devastating consequences to Earth and all its occupants. It is a well-known fact that global warming is real and is caused by human activity‚ primarily the burning of fossil fuels that pump carbon dioxide (CO₂)‚ methane and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. One of the most noticeable effect of global warming is ice around the Earth is melting‚ especially at the Earth’s poles. These ice includes ice sheets covering

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    Global Warming

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    KÜRESEL ISINMA NEDİR? İnsanlar tarafından atmosfere salınan gazların sera etkisi yaratması sonucunda dünya yüzeyinde sıcaklığın artmasına küresel ısınma deniyor. Daha ayrıntılı açıklamak gerekirse dünyanın yüzeyi güneş ışınları tarafından ısıtılıyor.  Dünya bu ışınları tekrar atmosfere yansıtıyor ama bazı ışınlar su buharı‚ karbondioksit ve metan gazının dünyanın üzerinde oluşturduğu doğal bir örtü tarafından tutuluyor.[pic] Bu da yeryüzünün yeterince sıcak kalmasını sağlıyor. Ama son dönemlerde

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    Although the author gives several supporting claims and examples to argue for his opinion‚ which is global warming is a good thing‚ I still cannot agree with his point of view‚ because some of the claims do not seem to be valid and need to be clarified further. First all‚ the writer states that coolings seem to be rapid‚ and cause disastrous downfalls of civilization‚ but we can cope with slow upward trends in temperature. It is true that too cold climate can provoke downfalls of civilization‚ but

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    Is Global Warming Real? Global warming has becoming an increasingly important issue in our environmentally conscious society as it is a problem affecting every aspect of the environment and the living beings everywhere on this planet. Yet‚ it is quite controversial as to its nature‚ cause‚ and the effects it will bring along in the future. The average temperature of the earth’s surface has risen by 0.8 degree Celsius since 1880. The International Panel on Climate Change (the IPCC)‚ based on the

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    Essay - Global Warming

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    Global warming is an increase of temperature world wide‚ which is a serious problem that affects our planet. The effects of global warming include: melting of polar ice caps‚ the rise of sea levels‚ the climate change‚ water contamination‚ devastation of the ecosystem and so on. Humans are to blame for global warming because of population growth‚ to use of non-environmentally safe products‚ and the on of them most important - deforestation. Firstly‚ the increase of population has a major affect

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