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    Is Islam The Religion Of Terrorism? Hassan Farhat NDU University ENL 105 Dr.Saiid Rajha December 26‚2012 Thesis statement: In fact‚ Islam is the religion of love and peace and the concept of Jihad is far from terrorism. I. Islam is the religion of love and peace. A. Allah is the source of love and peace. B. Quran. C. Mohammad the prophet. II. The concept of Jihad. A. Types of Jihad. B. Why and when to use Jihad. C. Where and how to use Jihad. IS

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    The True Face of Islam

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    The True Face of Islam People think of the September 11 tragedy when they hear the words Muslims or Islam. The media and what it shows about Muslims have made the real picture of Islam fade away. People in the US totally misunderstand concepts of Islam; because only a group of Muslims is presented to people on TV‚ which gives a misconception to people that all Muslims are the same as what is presented. Islam is a better religion than what most people in the US think. There is a big misunderstanding

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    Islam Studies Jahiliyyah

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    demonstrate the importance and impact it has to understand the origins and development of Islam. The Jahiliyyah is a core and critical part of the foundations of Islam‚ that certain elements of the jahiliyyah were borrowed‚ adopted and developed; whilst other elements were discarded as Islam evolved. It is important as aspects of the jahiliyyah period continues to have an influence after the advent of Islam. Elements of the jahiliyyah such as the geographical location; the political‚ social and religious

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    Oral Traditions of Islam

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    Islam is a religion based on oral tradition. It is very important because many of what we know of Islam in the present is based on orally transmitted information. Even when it comes to the authorities of the religion it can be traced to oral tradition. In this essay the emphasis would be put on how oral tradition sets up authority in the religion‚ in both sunni and and shi’ ite sects. Why is oral tradition so important in Islam? During the time when Muhammad was alive‚ unfortunately nothing

    Free Islam Sharia

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    Like its fellow Abrahamic faiths‚ Islam is not a “monolithic” (Smith‚ 259) religion; it too has been divided. But unlike Christianity and Judaism‚ who have split moreso over miniscule differences in their beliefs‚ Islam has diverged on account of how their faith should be worshipped and how their traditions should be practiced. Also unique to Islam is how it split; rather than dividing off into tangents‚

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    Islam Vs. The West

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    Islam VS The West Westerners tend to think of Islamic societies as backward- looking‚ oppressed by religion‚ and inhumanely governed‚ comparing them to their own enlightened‚ secular democracies. But measurement of the cultural distance between the West and Islam is a complex undertaking‚ and that distance is narrower than they assume. Islam is not just a religion‚ and certainly not just a fundamentalist political movement. When people think of Islam they think of all the crazy beliefs and a religion

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    Islam Religion Dbq

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    3/4/11 Islam DBQ Per: 4 Islam was a fast spreading religion in a time when Christianity and other religions had already established themselves. Islam gained a reputation as a violent religion when it attacked and conquered areas‚ and made violent threats. Islam also presented itself as a religion of reward‚ equality‚ and protection. Once Islam had established itself in so many areas‚ it used other techniques to keep their reign. The Muslims way of spreading and keeping their empire

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    Rebecca Salazar Phase 5 Individual Project 5 World Values and Cultures March 25‚ 2013 Instructor: Samuel Crockett Christian and Islam Religions Many religions have similar beliefs and traditions. Although they believe in the same God‚ there beliefs in other aspects may be different. Christian and Islamic religions have many of the same thoughts on how the world was created and how it will end. The middle may be a little different but yet the same. Christians believe that God created the

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    My View on Islam

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    regarding the Nation of Islam‚ I was not aware of the religions beliefs or the way they praised. There are not many similarities in this religion and my religion which is Christian. The Nation of Islam‚ however‚ does believe in God‚ they believe that Elijah Muhammad is a prophet of God. However‚ the differences lie much deeper than that. With all the research that has been done on this religion‚ I have come to discover that Islam and the Nation of Islam are two different religions. Islam is a religion that

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    A00561828 Origins of Islam in America The history of Islam in America has made great strides over the last 900-1000 years. Starting in the 12th century and moving forward to the 19th century there were fewer notable accomplishments than in the twentieth century. Yet‚ they had a large effect on the shaping of today’s advancements in the recognition of Islam in our country today. As I will explain‚ the beginning events lead into larger movements that continued to grow the movement of Islam. In 1178‚ the

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