Villanueva 1 Recognizing and Responding to Child Abuse Nursing 32 – Pediatric Clinical Instructor Gwen Green-Brown Nursing Research Article Villanueva 2 Erika Villanueva February 17‚ 2008 Nursing 32 – Pediatrics Clinical Nursing Research Article Gwen Green-Brown Recognizing and Responding to Child Abuse Childhood abuse occurs nationwide among a variety of races and ethnicities. It affects several children
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Running head: CHILD ABUSE Title- Child Abuse SENTENCE OUTLINE TOPIC: Child Abuse TOPIC SENTENCE: Child abuse is any act or inaction on the part of a parent or caregiver on a child 18 years and under. THESIS STATEMENT: The UK Guidance working together to safeguard children 2010‚ says that‚ child abuse constitutes of neglect‚ emotional‚ physical‚ and sexual abuse. SUB TOPIC
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Child Abuse Maltreatment of children is not a new phenomenon. It dates back far into history‚ as far as the colonial times and even back to biblical times. During the recent years child maltreatment has had an increase in the publics eye. There are many factors to child maltreatment. There are four general categories of child maltreatment now recognized. They are physical abuse‚ sexual abuse‚ neglect and emotional maltreatment. Each category‚ in turn‚ covers a range of behavior. The maltreatment
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Childhood abuse is a major issue in the world today we all know or have heard of unfortunate events dealing with children. “Abuse changes your life…Fight Back and change the life of your abusers by Breaking Your Silence on Abuse!” (Patty Rase Hopson Adult survivor of childhood sexual abuse). I believe there are long term affects to child abuse and adults or parents should be sent to jail. Childhood abuse is positively related to adult depression‚ aggression‚ hostility‚ anger‚ fear‚ anxiety disorders
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Child abuse is the physical‚ sexual‚ emotional‚ mistreatment‚ and the act to a child. “Child abuse and neglect is a widespread problem in American society; child of any age‚ sex‚ race‚ religion and socioeconomic background can fall victim to maltreatment” (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services‚ 1999‚ p. 1). Child abuse that happens to children took place during the biblical and mythological times. “It would suffice to recall the stories of Abraham and Isaac‚ Moses and Medea‚ and King Nimrod
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Introduction Child abuse has been the most intriguing issue in most of the third world countries. The primary individual who receives more trauma‚ humiliation and stigma is the child. Abuse is not a good way to support the growth and development of the children. It is not also supported by the people namely social workers because of the negative effects that it may bring to the children which might reflect in their future self. Moreover‚ there are programs and organization that promotes
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Child Abuse Needs to be Stopped When walking by a small child‚ the thought that he or she is being abused may be the last thought that goes through someones mind. Although‚ child abuse occurs a lot more often than most people believe. According to the National Child Abuse Statistics‚ “A report of child abuse is made every 10 seconds.” (National Child Abuse Statistics 1) This issue is not only extremely important for our society to understand and begin to take action towards‚ but it could be considered
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CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT EFFECTS TOWARDS CHILDREN Abstact Child abuse is not a new situation or cases occured. It happens all around the world and the case of child abuse is not something that we should take it lightly. Even though many action have been taken by the government and reponsible institutions‚ cases of child abuse keep increasing. Hence‚ it should be taken seriously and provide the way to protect the victim and to prevent it from happening. The imposed of law toward the child abuse
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December 1‚ 2012 Bastard Out of Carolina: Child Abuse At least 3.3 million reports of child abuse are made every year involving more than 6 million children (sometime multiple children in a report). Every ten seconds‚ there is a new report of child abuse in America (Childhelp). It has been a controversial issue as to what punishment should be brought to those who know of a child being abused‚ but does not report it. To carry knowledge of a child being abused but failing to report it should
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Child Abuse and Neglect Child abuse is any act that endangers a child’s physical or emotional health and development. Child abuse and neglect can take place anywhere. The child often knows the abuser well a parent‚ relative‚ babysitter‚ or friend of the family. Child abuse and neglect crosses all ethnic‚ racial‚ social‚ and economic lines This book talks and expresses the examinations of child neglect in families and its relevance to research‚ policy and practice in the field of services to children
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