"Communication and human relationship" Essays and Research Papers

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    Customer Relationship

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    CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT IN MARKETING FINANCIAL SERVICES (A CASE STUDY OF UNIBANK GHANA LIMITED) ABSTRACT Customer relationship management is a customer focused business strategy that dynamically integrates sales‚ marketing and customer services‚ in order to create and add value for the company and its customer. Consequently‚ the research project addresses problems of customer relationship management in the banking industry. Some of the problems are in the past few

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    Positive Relationship

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    features of a healthy relationship II. How to initiate interactions III. How to enrich a relationship How can you apply any one of the elements to improve relationships in your life? There are questions for your self-reflection! 2 I. Features of healthy relationship 1. Genuineness (Rogers‚ 1980)  Revealing your true self and striving to be honest.  More than absence of lying; openness and authenticity are significant facets. 3 I. Features of healthy relationship 2. Unconditional

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    Relationships and Attraction PSY: 301 October 8‚ 2012 From the beginning on time‚ being around others makes us feel affiliated. It is human nature to form relationships with people who attract us. As human beings‚ there has always been a desire to form relationships. The lack of relationships and bonds with other individuals can lead to negative feelings‚ such as loneliness. In order to figure out the need to form bonds we must analyze the benefits

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    Interracial Relationships

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    Interracial relationships have long been a key issue in societies since the beginning of time. Many people find the mixing of races disgusting and immoral. The question is‚ should they? In my opinion the answer is no‚ however‚ this paper is not about my opinions‚ but about how others‚ who are supposed Christians view this very same topic. America was founded to be a nation where everyone would have the freedom to do what he or she believed was right. However‚ it has notably been one of the countries

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    Relationship Dialetics

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    Love is not always about you feelings. Sometimes real love is about what you do no matter how you feel. Webster defines a relationship as‚ “an emotional or other connection between people.” My definition of a relationship is an agreement of sacrifice‚ trust‚ and friendship between two people. Relational Dialectics Theory explains the tensions in the personal relationship I have with my boyfriend‚ Claude Jackson. In this paper I will discuss the theory of Relational Dialectics‚ Case Analysis‚

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    Models of Communication

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    Although adapted and updated‚ much of the information in this lecture is derived from C. David Mortensen‚ Communication: The Study of Human Communication (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co.‚ 1972)‚ Chapter 2‚ “Communication Models.” A.    What is a Model? 1.     Mortensen: “In the broadest sense‚ a model is a systematic representation of an object or event in idealized and abstract form. Models are somewhat arbitrary by their nature. The act of abstracting eliminates certain details to focus on essential

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    Interpersonal Communication

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    Interpersonal Communication Interpersonal communication is an important issue in the social aspect dealing with the different forms of association with other individuals. The said process may involve varying number of individuals but the most important component is the exchange of responses regardless of the nature such as positive and negative. When it comes to the said issue‚ it is important to consider different factors. The important factors that are needed to be considered in the study

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    Healthy Relationship

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    Being in a healthy relationship with someone means feeling good about oneself when one is around that person. One feels safe around that person and feels one can trust such person with one’s secrets. Listed below are what makes a healthy relationship: i) Mutual respect: - He or she values you for who you are and will never challenge your boundaries. ii) Trust: - Trust is one of the main keys of a healthy relationship. He or she has to trust you that you will never cheat on him or her‚ even

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    Anne Bas Personal Coaching 11-04-2012 Interpersonal Communications When people communicate they are sharing information with eachother. This information can be things like facts like the time or the weather. Another way of communicating is like giving eachother something; like passing the salt‚ or signing which way it is to get to the train station. These are all simple ways of communicating. We do this all day. Another thing we do all day which some people might not be aware of is interpersonally

    Free Communication

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    The need for relationships is fundamental in our life because humans are social beings. Humans like to socialize because we seek for attention. Furthermore‚ approval is a psychological need‚ and by socializing we fulfill that need. Relational needs help us to interpret and understand what people really want to get out of relating to each other. It is just like when the least expected person comes by and sit down to lend us his/her ear‚ we would feel loved. Although relational needs are not the basic

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