How does Carol Ann Duffy use language and imagery to explore love. Throughout the poem ‘Valentine’ love is explored in different ways for example in the first stanza ‘careful undressing of love’ has various meanings‚ one being the comparison of the onion which is supposed to mirror her heart‚ the core of her love; to get to her heart you have to take time to remove each layer of emotion in contrast to an onion where to get to the core you have to remove the layers of skin. You must be careful with
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COUNTRY LOVERS PAULA SCOTT ASH FORD UNIVERSITY ENG 125 JOAN GOLDING A story of forbidden love on a South African farm‚ one child nothing more than a farm worker‚ as the other one prepares for boarding school. Both ignorant to the color of their skins‚ all they knew they were best friends playing together until they grew up
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example of a woman who exudes defiance towards her expected role. Highly educated‚ practical‚ strong‚ and confident; Vivie is also considered unromantic. She denies two marriage proposals‚ and conducts herself in an almost business-like manner. Socially‚ she differs greatly from what the idea of a woman her age should have been at that time. Kate Chopin’s characterization of Edna Pontellier was also considered socially unaccepted by society; this being due to Edna’s lack of interest in her domestic
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Claudia Valentine’s Distinctive Voice and Character Analysis Claudia Valentine‚ being the protagonist of The Life and Crimes of Harry Lavender‚ has been successfully developed in the text to both support and subvert the stereotype of a male hard-boiled detective‚ where she is portrayed as a female private detective who inheres the traditional characteristics of a tough talking male detective but also presenting feminist points of view. Thus the author‚ Marele Day has created this powerful distinctive
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Margaret Atwood is a Canadian poet‚ novelist‚ and critic‚ noted for her feminism and mythological themes. She was born in 1939 in Ottawa‚ about the same time World War 2 started. Her life was lived in a time of male dominance‚ which she did not like. She expressed her views of this by writing‚ and her writings showed many of the feminine views that she believes in. According to a reviewer‚ Atwood’s writings are obtained from the "traditional realist novel‚" where often the female protagonist is representative
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Country Lovers The story portrays the apartheid system. Paulus: * He is a white upper-class Afrikaner. * Truly in love with Thebedi‚ his love for her is growing. The love is genuine. They have grown up together‚ therefore they have a strong. His love for the white girls is only of a physical love‚ it is superficial. Is Thebedi just entertainment? * He is not as emotional as Thebedi. Thebedi: * She is a farm worker. She is from the worker-class. * Strong love for Paulus
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In the poem‚ “On evaluating black privilege”‚ poet Crystal Valentine examines just that. Valentine exposes the truth about the experiences and realities of being black in America. Explaining‚ in satirical
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to Mother as Book is to Child In the poem‚ “ The Author to Her Book‚” Anne Bradstreet refers to her book like it is her child. Just like a mother critiques her child as she walks out the door‚ Bradstreet critiques her book before the second edition is published. The poem is her outlet for her emotions regarding the exposure of the first edition‚ which was published without her knowledge. Bradstreet uses a conceit supported by metaphors throughout the poem‚ to express maternal feelings such as
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greatest effect on outcomes in a novel. In the story “The Demon Lover‚” Mrs. Drovers character is very diverse‚ and not in a very positive way to say the least. Her character seems mostly typical and ordinary at first but you begin to see a different side of herself as the story prolongs. Mrs. Drovers character strongly presents the main themes to the story which factors into her demise and describes her as a paranoid‚ naïve‚ and cautious woman. At the beginning of the story Mrs. Drover seems typical
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In The Lover‚ Marguerite Duras tells the narrative from the point of view of the protagonist‚ a fifteen and a half year old‚ high school student in Indochina whose French dysfunctional family was bound in poverty. The father was dead‚ an older brother whom she fears and a younger one whom she deeply loves‚ and a mother whom she loves but pities and dislikes at the same time. The narrator has a strained relationship with her mother whose favoritism for her older son and alternating support and abuse
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