too dependent on computers? When we talk about computers‚ people often relate computers with modern technologies. Computer is a tool that helps us make things in our life easier. People use computers in business‚ public services‚ educations‚ even entertainment. Our daily activities are more and more based closely on the working of computer. Almost everything we do is affected by modern technology and computers. I would say that I agree that people nowadays depend on computers too much. Firstly
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Of the Computer By Kenneth H. Russell The invention of the personal computer took place about 50 years ago. Steve Jobs and others had developed the Apple+. Since then the whole world has affected by it in the following ways: 1. Computers balance financial transactions such as our personal bank account. 2. On a larger scale the IRS keeps track of every American in a variety ways by computer. 3. Our intelligence services keep track of people by computer who would do us harm. 4. Computers manufacture
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TYPES OF COMPUTERS The types of computers range from the Hybrid to the Analog types. The computers you come across in the daily course of your day range from laptops‚ palmtops and towers‚ to desktop computers‚ to name a few. But the very word “computers” reminds one of the desktop computers used in offices or homes. Different categories of computes have been devised in keeping with our varied needs. The Types Of Computers: Analog and Hybrid (classification based on operational principle)
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101: COMPUTER LITERACY QUIZ CHAPTER-2 Name_______________________ MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1) ________ is data that has been organized or presented in a meaningful fashion. 1) _______ A) A number B) Information C) A symbol D) A character 2) Which of the following is NOT one of the four major data-processing functions of a computer?
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computer network Connects three office computers and one computer used for Point-of-Sale (POS) services at each of your stores. You also want six (6) computers in the lobby/store where patrons can download music and you can run “training classes” for people to learn about using MP3 players and get other basic information. The two offices have to be connected into one cohesive network‚ sharing POS services and other critical company information. You also need to provide a “hand out” casual
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History of the Computer Could you imagine life without computers? Not just computers but any smart device like your IPhone‚ IPad‚ Xbox etc. All of these devices are derived from the first unit known as the computer. Today’s society relies heavily on the computer and all of its functions. We essentially have the world at our fingertips whether it’s Googling anything you could possibly think of or plugging in an address and relying on a computer to get you there. If it wasn’t for the computer I would not
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Dependency on Computers Over the past few years‚ computers have gone from being a rare luxury to an everyday necessity. Computers have made great progress‚ due to which we‚ human beings get benefited. They are used in airlines and railway reservations‚ schools and colleges‚ banks‚ medicine‚ research‚ aeronautics‚ accounting‚ cartoons and animated movies‚ video games and more and more uses. The above uses make us to use computersmore and more.It make our lives totally empty without them. Nowadays
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EFFECTS OF COMPUTER ADDICTION Technology has developed so much that it is almost crucial to have electronic devices particularly the personal computers at home‚ school‚ internet café‚ etc. Teenagers have gotten so used to have technology around them. However‚ while having these computers that make life easier‚ comfortable‚ and handy at most of the times‚ it could also have negative effects on their lives particularly in their studies when used too much. When these computers are used too much
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Task-1 Aim: To Identify the peripherals of a computer‚ components in a CPU and its functions. Draw the block diagram of the CPU along with the configuration of each peripheral and submit to your instructor. Description of the Computer Components: "computer" is a collection of devices that function as a unit. The most basic collection includes a Computer CPU‚ a Monitor‚ a Keyboard‚ and a Mouse. The Computer CPU is normally a rectangular box that sits on your desktop (called a "Desktop Case")
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RUNNING HEAD: Computer law Computer “Law” Edward A Celaya September 5‚ 2012 Regis University Abstract In the world of Information Technology the one thing that is king above all others should be the security of the device or network a person is on because if they feel that they can’t trust the network or device it is more than likely not going to be used. And even with cultural and corporate interests abound it is clear that intellectual property needs to be protected in order to insure
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