to many important inventions. One of them is the computer. About a decade back‚ a computer was seen as a wonder machine. A few years later‚ this wonderful machine came closer to us as the Personal Computer (PC) entered the household scene. The computer today plays a significant role in our everybody’s life. Computers are used practically everywhere. The use of computer in our country in the past two decades has taken a big jump. Today computers do much more than simply compute‚ super market scanners
Premium Computer Human Thought
Introduction to Computers What is a computer? An electronic device for storing and processing data‚ typically in binary form‚ according to instructions given to it in a variable program.. Many people believe that knowing how to use a computer‚ is one of the basic skills needed to succeed in the workplace. In order to use the computer it is necessary to understand how the computer works. Hardware | Computer hardware is made up of the equipment used to make up you computer unit. These parts
Premium Computer Hard disk drive Personal computer
In today’s modern world‚ computers are needed everyday. Around the world‚ children use computers from the time they are little. It’s true that children should have fun when they are young; however‚ in my opinion‚ a child who knows how to use the computer will be more successful in the future. My reasons for this view are personal‚ academic and professional. From a personal point of view‚ computers can help young people to learn more about the world. For example‚ some children use the Internet to
Premium Personal computer Computer Time
The computers are essential in all fields and are also used for the sake of entertainment. We are using computers in our home‚ in our daily life to get facilities. But the computers have more negative than positive effects when using a computer everyday. 1. Actually in other words we can say that Computer is a machine that makes everything on the Internet so easily accessible that it is difficult to keep children away from things they are not supposed to know at a certain age. Children especially
Premium Server Affect Computer
Computer technology permeates most aspects of our lives. The ability to use computer technology and to evaluate electronic information has become a basic skill for most of people. In most places of business‚ a computer is standard. In the bank they use computers to look up for account information. They use computers in the auto repair shop to assess the cars. We can’t find books in the library by looking in a card catalog — we must use a computerized database. Doctors’ offices utilize computers
Premium Computer security Computer Security
COMPUTER CONCEPTS NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE BLIND NEW DELHI Computer Concepts Hardware & software concepts explained for persons with low or no vision for the students of Intel Technology Training Lab at National Association for the Blind‚ New Delhi Produced and Published by National Association for the Blind Sector-5‚ R.K Puram‚ New Delhi E-mail: First Edition October 2001 Reprint: February 2005 TABLE OF CONTENTS
Premium Computer Personal computer Hard disk drive
MAIN COMPONENTS OF PERSONAL COMPUTER INTRODUCTION: IN 21st century our life is run without computer. We must need the help of computer every day of our life. Computer are indispensable to wok home‚ management and entertainment in modern life. The project work shows what are the main components to run a computer. Personal computer have lots of components the main components are keyboard‚mouse‚ram‚dvd drive‚ hard disk‚ video card‚ mother board‚ processor‚ disk controller
Premium Personal computer Central processing unit Motherboard
LECTURE 2 COMPUTERS ARE EVERYWHERE 1 – THIS LECTURE LOOKS AT A FEW SPECIFIC AREAS of SOCIETY AND WHERE COMPUTERS ARE USED » TRANSPORT » MEDICAL WORLD » AGRICULTURE » AIRLINE TRAVEL COMPUTERS ARE EVERYWHERE 2 Computers are everywhere. Our lives are directly affected when they do not operate. Computers have infiltrated our lives so we do not know how to function without them. INFORMATION AGE 3 We live in what we call the INFORMATION AGE – Evolving more
Premium Air traffic control Computer Medicine
UNIT - I BASIC STRUCTURE OF COMPUTERS FUNCTIONAL UNITS A computer consists of five functionally independent main parts. They are‚ ➢ Input ➢ Memory ➢ Arithmetic and logic ➢ Output ➢ Control unit Basic functional units of a computer [pic] The operation of a computer can be summarized as follows The computer accepts programs and the data through an input and stores them in the memory.The stored data
Premium Computer program Computer Central processing unit
Computer systems may be classified into the following groups: 1 - The supercomputers are extremely fast computers that are used in scientific research for their ability to do large amount of calculations and store large amount of data. One use of these computers is weather forecast because of the large amount of calculations involved. 2 - Mainframe computers allows several thousands of users at any time. They are used by government companies‚ airline companies for bookings‚ insurance companies
Premium Personal computer Computer Laptop