PROPOSAL FOR AN ONLINE VEHICLE RENTAL SYSTEM A DISSERTATION PROPOSAL SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFULLMENT OF THE UNIT ( PROJECT‚ UNIT CODE) BIT 2221. JUNE 2012 ABSTRACT This project is being considered in order to reduce and totally eliminate loss of customers to competitors‚ and save the company from folding up. The current system is manual and it is time consuming. It is also cost ineffective‚ and average return is low and diminishing. Currently‚ customers can call or walk-in in order
Premium Car rental Automobile Vehicle
Case Study of “Beacon Car Rental” Henry was the senior vice president of operations. Tony was the chief marketing officer‚ and they were talking about Beacon’s latest acquisition—VillageCar. But they seemed to have different opinions on it. The most important thing was—could an auto rental company fully integrate its car-sharing start-up without losing customers? A week later Henry went to Tony’s office and set a paper down on his desk; it was an article from the Journal of Consumer Research which
Premium Business model Car rental Automobile
Diagramming Exercise Case Study: DownTown Video Rental System DownTown Videos is a chain of 11 video stores scattered throughout a major metropolitan area in the Midwest. The chain started with a single store several years ago and has grown to its present size. Paul Lowes‚ the owner of the chain‚ knows that to compete with the national chains will require a state-of-the-art movie rental system. You have been asked to develop the system requirements for the new system. Each store has a stock
Premium Renting Rental shop Property
CRM for San Francisco case of study 1. How did the DTIS CRM team change the business process for dealing with abandoned vehicles in San Francisco? How did the old business process work‚ and what kinds of problems arose? Why was it necessary to change the business process before developing a new CRM system? The old process used a voicemail system in which customers would have to leave a voicemail with their complaint. Then somebody else would have to listen to it and hand write it in a book. The
Premium Customer service Customer relationship management Service system
Computer development is often referred to the different generations of computing devices. With each generation which includes the first to the fifth‚ significant changes have occurred resulting in lighter‚ cheaper‚ powerful‚ more efficient and convenient devices. This change in computing devices has caused businesses to rethink and revamp the ways they operate to meet consumer demands‚ reduce cost and compete efficiently. This paper will also examine computer- based information system and the impact
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CHAPTER 1 Introduction A rental is a great option for girls and boys‚ who want a beautiful gown/barong without the expensive price. Instead of paying a thousands of dollars‚ for a gown/barong that you will just wear once‚ why not consider renting a gown/barong? Choosing a gown/barong rental instead of buying a one-time-wear gown/barong is a decision that can help girl/boys trim their budget without trimming their special day. Girls and boys will look beautiful in any gown/barong‚ no matter
Premium Renting Property
analysis‚ design and implementation of a software system. It is especially useful for illustrating multiple cycles through the development process‚ as well as for integrating key concepts from a number of fundamental knowledge clusters in a typical undergraduate IS program of study. These knowledge clusters include database management‚ project management‚ programming principles‚ and system analysis and design. In the pilot class‚ students employed use case analysis as well as standard object-oriented
Premium Renting Property Leasing
BTEC HIGHER NATIONAL DIPLOMA ASSIGNMENT FRONT SHEET COMPUTER SYSTEMS ASSIGNMENT 1 COURSE: UNIT CODE: LECTURE DAYS: VENUE: DURATION: LECTURER: DATE OF ISSUE: HAND IN DATE: NO.: 1 Computer Systems L/601/0446 Wednesdays Champs Fleurs September ’13 – January ‘14 Karleen Lall Wednesday‚ October 9‚ 2013 Wednesday‚ November 13‚ 2013 2 3 RESUBMISSION Student Name: _______________________________ Edexcel No.: _______________ Criteria reference To achieve the criteria
Premium Computer Personal computer Computing
------------------------------------------------- HND Computer and Systems Development ------------------------------------------------- ASSIGNMENT ------------------------------------------------- 2012 – 13 COLLEGE | City of Westminster College | PROGRAMME | HND Computer and Systems Development | MODULE NAME & CODE | Computer Systems Unit 2 (L/601/0446) | STUDENT NAME | | ASSESSOR | Anas Ahmed | ASSIGNMENT NUMBER | ONE | | Tasks | Hand in Dates: | | Task 1 – Report | Friday 14th
Premium Software engineering Operating system Computer
Task 1 Hospital information system Hospital information is a one of the most important issues in health services. Hospitals provide a medical assistance to people. The best introduction for the hospital information system has been made in 2011 International Conference on Social Science and Humanity‚ which is; Hospital Information Systems can be defined as massive‚ integrated systems that support the comprehensive information requirements of hospitals‚ including patient‚ clinical‚ ancillary
Premium Computer Central processing unit Personal computer