Deadly Unna Essay Topics Essay topics – Deadly‚ Unna? Select one of the following essay topic to write an expository essay on. You will then need to use this theme when you write your comparative essay so make sure you choose carefully. Internal Conflict 1. How does Blacky resolve his internal conflicts across the novel? 2. Which events and the choices Blacky makes following these are the most significant in shaping his self identity? 3. How do Blacky’s
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In the novel Deadly Unna?‚ Phillip Gwynne uses the game of Australian Rules football (AFL) and his main character to explore the discourse of racism in a small South Australian coastal community. Through Gary Black (Blacky)‚ the narrator‚ the reader becomes aware of the town’s racist ideology‚ its marginalisation of the Nunga community and is positioned to reject the racist views of the town. From the first‚ the narrator‚ Blacky informs the reader that there are two groups who play the game of
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‘Deadly Unna’ written by Phillip Gwynne‚ shows us through the main character’s eyes‚ a large range of bullying styles which are physical‚ verbal‚ mental‚ and emotional. This novel shows a good understanding of Australian life in the country with football and how it can bring people together‚ the crime thats happening in the Port and how it can tear people apart. The verbal is the name calling between friends‚ even though its a joke people can find it offensive.The verbal would also be the racism
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“Deadly Unna” Winter: Chapter 1 pp. 3 - 6 Gary is excited about his team getting in the grand final. Explanation: Why Coach Robertson is nicknamed Arks. Describes the difference between Ark’s way of playing football and the Nungas’ way. Four days before the grand final Gary has to play ruck because the team’s key player Carol Cockatoo is over age. Chapter 2 pp. 8 - 9 Gary is afraid of looking like a ‘gutless wonder’ in front of everyone in the town. Chapter 5 pp. 21- 3‚ 26 - 30
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In the novel “Deadly Unna?” written by Phillip Gwynne‚ the protagonist in the story‚ Gary Black‚ is referred to as a ‘gutless wonder’ on many occasions. Gary is faced with challenges and decisions‚ which define him and determine whether or not he is in fact a ‘gutless wonder’‚ this being one of the worst things you can possibly be in his town. Evidently he proves to his father‚ the town and finally himself that he is not a ‘gutless wonder’ after all. The most influential and important person in
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This essay will cover the social issues that Phillip Gwynne raises in the text‚ ‘Deadly Unna’. Throughout the text‚ Phillip Gwynne explores the complex issue of racism towards indigenous people. Whilst this is an important issue‚ belonging is more so‚ as it covers both racism‚ and a host of other issues in contemporary society. Belonging in the community of ‘The Port’ is difficult for the indigenous population of ‘The Point’‚ as the only time they interact is playing football. In all other circumstances
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Year 9-4 N.REES ENGLISH DEADLY‚UNNA? Phillip Gwyne Do TWO of the following essay topics. Each essay must be developed in paragraphs and use textual evidence. Each should be 600 to 700 words in length. 1. ‘Phillip Gwyne’s Deadly Unna shows how sport can bring a divided community together.’ Argue the truth or fallacy of this quote in relation to the novel. 2. ‘It is the power and integrity of Blacky‚ the narrator of Deadly Unna?‚ that makes it such a persuasive novel.’ Examine
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Phillip Gwynne’s novel ‘Deadly Unna’ is set in Australia in the 1960s in the small coastal town of ‘The Port’‚ where indigenous Australians and Caucasians did not associate‚ a father was ashamed of his son and siblings supported one another. Gwynne effectively addresses the wider social issues of racism‚ psychological abuse and the importance of family in the novel. The issue of racism is thoroughly expored throughout Gwynne’s novel. Gary Black – ironically nicknamed ‘Blacky’ - the narrator of
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- Arks gave Gary some tips for the game. - Gary isn’t a very good kicker. - Gary was persistent to learn. Chapter 5. - Dumby Red had perfect teeth and was medium height. - Dumby didn’t know the positions‚ he wore a Carlton jumper No. 25‚ and he could run fast. - Gary didn’t like Dumby red‚ but he had started to. - Mad dog had Gary in a headlock‚ and then Dumby Red was the only one that stood up for him. Chapter 6. - Blacky’s dad never ate dinner with the family. - Old man was always down
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Novel Study – Deadly Unna? TASK: Choose a main character from the film and predict what you think happened to them after the film. During the book and the movie‚ Pickles Mickles has been a snarky child with behavioral problems. He has obviously had a rough time at home and has strong racist views‚ constantly referring to the Aboriginals as ‘boongs’‚ ‘abos’‚ ‘nungas’. He is an underage drinker and smoker‚ even taking up drugs‚ and is portrayed as though he would not get very far in life. I personally
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