TEST A PRACTICE TEST I Situation 1 – Nurse Mito is assigned to the triage area. While on duty‚ he assesses the condition of a client with asthma. She has difficulty breathing and her respiratory rate is 45 per minute. The doctor prescribed epinephrine 0.3 mg subcutaneously. 1. The medication for epinephrine injection for the client is to: a. Reduce anaphylaxis b. Relieve hypersensitivity to allergen c. Relieve respiratory distress due to bronchial spasm d. Restore client’s
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Copyright © 2007 by F. A. Davis. 00Scanlon(p3) Cover 8/17/06 10:39 AM Page 2 Copyright © 2007 by F. A. Davis. List of Boxes Clinical applications of the book’s anatomical and physiological information are set apart from the text in boxed inserts and often deal with aspects of pathophysiology. A list of these boxes is presented here for your convenience. 1-1 1-2 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 3-1 3-2 3-3 4-1 4-2 4-3 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-5 7-1 7-2 7-3 7-4 7-5 8-1 8-2 8-3 8-4 8-5 8-6 8-7 8-8 9-1
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A Child Called ’It’ David J. Pelzer’s mother‚ Catherine Roerva‚ was‚ he writes in this ghastly‚ fascinating memoir‚ a devoted den mother to the Cub Scouts in her care‚ and somewhat nurturant to her children--but not to David‚ whom she referred to as "an It." This book is a brief‚ horrifying account of the bizarre tortures she inflicted on him‚ told from the point of view of the author as a young boy being starved‚ stabbed‚ smashed face-first into mirrors‚ forced to eat the contents of his sibling’s
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Section – I : Quantitative Techniques & Data Interpretation 5 th of Vinod’s salary and Vinod’s salary is 25% less than Pradeep’s salary. If 6 Pradeep’s salary is `24‚000‚ then what is the salary of Sameer? (a) `30‚000 (b) `20‚000 (c) `15‚000 (d) `28‚000 1. Sameer’s salary is 2. The range of values of x for (a) x [1‚ 2] [3‚ ) x2 0 x² 4x 3 (b) x [1 2) [3‚ ) ‚ (c) x (1‚ 2) (3‚ ) (d) None of these 3. Find the principal‚ if the difference
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