many great thinkers rolling in their graves. One of these thinkers‚ Aristotle‚ wrote extensively about the importance of human virtue and its relationship to politics. After outlining the Greek philosopher’s view of man’s final end‚ I argue that‚ for Aristotle‚ ethics is necessarily related to the common good and concerns mankind as a whole. Book I of the Nicomachean Ethics opens with the observation that‚ “Every art and every inquiry‚ and similarly every action as well as choice‚ is held to aim at
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Psychological Egoism insouciantly means the only outcome individuals are capable of desiring and or pursuing is ultimately in his own self-interest. Psychological Egoism can be perceived as reason to Wesley Autrey’s actions on the subway tracks‚ while contrastingly‚ the perceived notation that Autrey’s actions were altruistic could be a plausible assumption. I will provide a thorough explanation of Psychological Egoism. Further more I will provide argument to the motivation of Autrey’s actions from
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theory of Utilitarianism The theory of Utilitarianism takes its name from the Latin word Utilis‚ meaning ‘useful’. It was first developed by Jeremy Bentham‚ a philosopher and legal theorist of the 18th century. Bentham sought to produce a modern and rational approach to morality which would suit the changing society of the industrial age. This was also the era of the French and American Revolutions‚ and of the Enlightenment‚ so orthodox morality was challenged on many fronts. Utilitarianism may be
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Psychological Egoism: Fact or Fiction?? The descriptive claim made by Psychological Egoists is that humans‚ by nature‚ are motivated only by self-interest. Any act‚ no matter how altruistic it may seem on the outside is actually only a disguise for a selfish desire such as recognition‚ avoiding guilt‚ reward or sense of personal goodness’ or morality. For example‚ Mother Teresa is just using the poor for her own long-term spiritual gain. Being a universal claim‚ it could falter with a single counterexample
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Utilitarianism and Business Ethics Utilitarianism is a normative‚ consequentialist‚ empirical philosophy which links the idea of a good action to one which promotes maximum pleasure or happiness‚ found by adding up costs and benefits (or pains and pleasures). It has two classic formulations - Bentham’s hedonistic (pleasure-based) act utilitarianism and Mill’s eudaimonistic (happiness-based) rule utilitarianism. In this article we make some preliminary comments on Bentham and Mill before analysing
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and all virtue we choose partly for themselves—for we would choose each of them even if no further advantage would accrue from them—but we also choose them partly for the sake of happiness‚ because we assume that it is through them that we will be happy. On the other hand‚ no one chooses happiness for the sake of honor‚ pleasure‚ and the like‚ nor as a means to anything at all” (Aristotle; Nicomachean Ethics‚ p.51). 2.) Aristotle explains how happiness can be considered the final virtue sought after
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Utilitarianism Utilitarianism the ethical doctrine of the greatest happiness of the greatest number should be the criterion of the virtue of action. The principle that utilitarianism use in making moral decisions is a form of moral hedonism; that people should seek pleasure and avoid pain. Utilitarianism seeks to produce the greatest good for the greatest number. But‚ the problem is in determining what the greatest good is. Utilitarian define the “good” as good is what equates pleasure and reduces
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Applying Virtue Ethics in the Real World MGT407 M1:A1 03 – MAR – 2012 Read the Ethical Dilemma on page 106 of the Nelson & Quick text. Answer the following questions. 1. Summarize the dilemma. 2. Using consequential‚ rule-based‚ and character theories‚ evaluate Juanita ’s options 3. What should Juanita do? Why? ------------------------------------------ Whenever a young child is faced with a dilemma or reaches and ethical crossroads so often a parent
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have argued for virtue ethics‚ saying good ethics in not rules‚ rights and responsibilities‚ but is depending on character. Virtue ethics appreciates the person to do right thing‚ by exercising judgement‚ rather than by applying a universal set of rules. Virtue ethics is closely linked with universalism. However‚ that persons guided by virtue ethics are more morally reliable than those who simply follow the rules but fail to inspect‚ strengthen and preserve their own personal virtues is a part of the
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Utilitarianism and the Ford Pinto Case The goal of utilitarianism is to seek out pleasure and base your decision making on creating the greatest possible happiness for the greatest number of people. Utilitarianism is only concerned with producing a desirable result‚ regardless of whether the action taken to arrive at the desired result was good or bad. In business‚ all sorts of factors are involved in creating products ranging from where to purchase raw materials‚ where to build a factory
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