Q1 Definition of ’Accounting Information System - AIS’ The collection‚ storage and processing of financial and accounting data that is used by decision makers. An accounting information system is generally a computer-based method for tracking accounting activity in conjunction with information technology resources. The resulting statistical reports can be used internally by management or externally by other interested parties including investors‚ creditors and tax authorities. Investopedia
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Need for Information Systems Companies need information and information management systems as they are important for various functions such as planning. The information systems help in storing information such as customer data and financial data and this makes the access easier. They also help in saving costs when well developed and can also help in highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of a company. The system can also act as a communication tool and can help in prediction of sales and revenues
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------------------------------------------------- Executive information system An executive information system (EIS) is a type of management information system intended to facilitate and support the information and decision-making needs of senior executives by providing easy access to both internal and external information relevant to meeting the strategic goals of the organization. It is commonly considered as a specialized form of decision support system (DSS).[1] -------------------------------------------------
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MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS Case Study Questions 1. Evaluate Zagat using the competitive forces and value chain models. Using the competitive forces model we can analyze Zagat by saying the tread of new entrants into the main market was pressure for the coporation to change its information systems. Many competitors coming into the market were competitive because of internet use to gain more customers. Zagat was behind with this technology. Bargaining power of the costumer was in its
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help identify criminals or terrorists) * Privacy- claim of indv to be left alone‚ free from surveillance or interference from other indv‚ orgs‚ or state. Claim to be able to control info about yourself * FIP Principles: Fair Info Practice- based on mutuality of interest btwn record holder and individual * 1. Notice/awareness * 2. Choice/consent * 3. Access/participation * 4. Integrity/security * 5. Enforcement * Digital divide- the gap between people
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Secondary Education A secondary school teacher at a public school must be licensed with a bachelor’s degree and by completing an approved teacher education program. Secondary school teachers at private schools do not need to be licensed but are required to have a bachelor’s degree to teach. For hard to fill positions‚ some states offer alternative licensing programs to secondary school teachers. Understanding a student’s needs‚ the ability to motivate them and communicate well‚ are important qualifications
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Accounting Information System Overview a) Define Accounting Information System (AIS) (3 marks) An accounting information system is a collection of data and processing procedures that creates needed information for its users. It also can define as the information subsystem within an organization that accumulates and processes information from the entity’s various subsystems and communicates this information to the organization’s users. b) Compare and contrast between
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WHAT IS A STUDENT RECORD? A CASE STUDY BY KING’S COLLEGE LONDON Pilot project compiled for the JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee) Supporting Institutional Records Management Programme November 2003 Clare Cowling Records Manager WHAT IS A STUDENT RECORD? A CASE STUDY BY KING’S COLLEGE LONDON Table of contents Abbreviations 1. WHAT IS A STUDENT RECORD? BACKGROUND TO THE PROJECT 1.1 Introduction p.5 1.2 The King’s context p.5 1.3 The JISC pilot project p.5 2. THE PROJECT’S
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ELADIO T. BALITE MEMORIAL SCHOOL OF FISHERIES ONLINE INFORMATION SYSTEM This thesis is submitted in partial fulfillment for the degree Bachelor of Science in Information Technology LIM‚ MICHELLE ANNE L. TUBALLAS‚ PIBE ROSE T. CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Background of the Study Have you ever come to think that not so long ago‚ the letters WWW and words like Internet and Google were as foreign as what “sundo’t kulangot” is to most people? But their popularity‚ ever since they landed in
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Introduction Today‚ Information and Communication Technology is increasingly recognized as a key resource of the organization comparable in importance to human resources. It is considered extremely important for generating information in different field of sources. There is no denial that the present generation is one firmly ruled by the influence of Information Technology. Unlike several decades ago‚ the world today has come to a full realization of the fact that information technology is the foremost
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