"Diffusion" Essays and Research Papers

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    Diffusion in Gases

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    Experiment #1 Date: September 13‚ 2011 Title: Diffusion in Gases I Aim: To observe the diffusion of bromine Apparatus and Materials: Glass tube‚ bromine‚ fume chamber Diagram: Procedure: -Liquid bromine was placed in a jar and covered Observations: When first placed in the jar the original color of bromine was red-brown. As it began to diffuse its color changed from dark brown to a lighter brown until it becomes a yellow-like orange color. As it was diffusing liquid bromine changes its state

    Free Gas Temperature Carbon dioxide

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    Osmosis and Diffusion Lab

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    Osmosis and Diffusion Lab Observations: Diffusion: | Before | After | Color of liquid sack | clear | blue | Color of liquid in beaker | dirty yellow | golden | Glucose present Stick Test | no | yes | Color of the test stick | No change in color | Green | Osmosis: | Fresh | Salt | Beginning mass of potato | 2.51 | 2.16 | Texture of potato | Dry | Dry | Overnight mass | 3.12 | 1.84 | Overnight Texture | Hard‚ strong | Squishy‚ pliable | Data and Analysis: Diffusion: Iodine

    Premium Osmosis Starch Water

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    Salt Diffusion

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    Effect of Temperature on Salt Diffusion Rates and it’s Relation to the Human Body Hypothesis: Ordinary table salt is known to dissolve easily in water. Dissolving or diffusion is the spreading of particles in another substance. This is seen when smoke from a chimney diffuses in the air around it‚ or when dropping coloring in water. When NaCl‚ sodium chloride‚ or otherwise known as ordinary table salt is combined with water the separate salt and water molecules will be attracted to each other

    Premium Chemistry Diffusion Water

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    Osmosis and Diffusion

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    Joshua Annan Biology Section-04 Diffusion and Osmosis December 14‚2012 Alexis‚ Adiba‚ Elliot and Joey Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to get a better understanding of osmosis and diffusion in molecules. We will do this by studying different solutions and how they move through the permeable membrane. Hypothesis: The three different possible predictions were the lab were that the mass would stay the same‚ the mass will increase‚ or the mass will decrease

    Premium Diffusion Osmosis Glucose

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    TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN Faculty : Engineering & Science Unit Code : UEME3213 Course : Unit Title : Heat and Mass Transfer Year/ Semester : Year 3/ Semester 2 Lecturer : Session : Experiment 2: Gaseous Diffusion Coefficient Objective To determine gas diffusion coefficient of acetone Introduction The knowledge of physical and chemical properties of certain materials is important because very often process engineering deal with the transformation and

    Premium Liquid Diffusion Distillation

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    Diffusion‚ Osmosis‚ Active Transport There are two ways in which substances can enter or leave a cell: 1) Passive a) Simple Diffusion b) Facilitated Diffusion c) Osmosis (water only) 2) Active a) Molecules b) Particles Diffusion Diffusion is the net passive movement of particles (atoms‚ ions or molecules) from a region in which they are in higher concentration to regions of lower concentration. It continues until the concentration of substances is uniform throughout. Some major examples of diffusion

    Premium Osmosis Cell Diffusion

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    Diffusion and Glucose

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    Physioex 9.0 Review Sheet Exercise 1 Cell Transport Mechanisms and Permeability Name Lab Time/Date ___ Activity 1 Simulating Dialysis (Simple Diffusion) 1. Describe two variables that affect the rate of diffusion. Size of material and concentration 2. Why do you think the urea was not able to diffuse through the 20 MWCO membrane? How well did the results compare with your prediction? The molecules were too large to pass through. This is what I predicted

    Premium Diffusion Molecular diffusion Osmosis

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    Molecular Diffusion

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    ABSTRACT A molecular diffusion experiment was conducted with the goal of determining the diffusion coefficient of acetone into air. For this experiment‚ acetone was placed in a capillary tube and was allowed to diffuse into non-diffusing air that was passed over the test tube at the temperature of 50oC.Thetemperature is kept constant and air stream is passed over the top of the tube to ensure that the partial pressure of the vapor is transferred from the surface of the liquid to be air stream bymolecular

    Premium Diffusion Molecular diffusion Liquid

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    Simple Diffusion

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    Simple Diffusion Activity 1: Simulating Simple diffusion 1. What is the molecular weight of Na+? 22.99 or 23 2. What is the molecular weight of Cl-? 35.45 3. Which MWCO dialysis membranes allowed both of these ions through?50‚100‚ 200 4. Which materials diffused from the left beaker to the right beaker? Urea‚ NaCl and glucose diffused 5. Which did not? Why? Albumin was too large to diffuse into the right beaker. Activity 2: Simulating Dialysis 6. What happens to the urea concentration

    Premium Diffusion Molecular diffusion Osmosis

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    diffusion lab reportt

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    Fatmata Diffusion Abstract dialysis tubing is‚ made of cellulose because it’s a selectively permeable membrane. In this experiment‚ we are testing to see if the solution in the beaker moves into the dialysis bag. Which because of that‚ Introduction Diffusion and osmosis are two types of transport mechanisms. Diffusion is the movement of molecules from areas of higher concentrations to areas of lower concentration until the molecules are evenly distributed through the area. Osmosis is the dispersion

    Premium Diffusion Starch Semipermeable membrane

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