"Direct democracy" Essays and Research Papers

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    Democracy means power in the hand of people. Democracy is a form of government where sovereignty is in the hand of the people‚ the general public. The basic idea is of equality‚ freedom and welfare for all. It does not take into consideration the cast or the wealth of some person; every individual is treated fairly and is given equal rights. Democracy implies political liberty. Political liberty consists of the right to vote‚ the right to sand as a candidate for election‚ the right to hold public

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    My choice of Government First and foremost‚ my ideal government is Democracy. In life there is no greater pursuit than that of equal voice. Every day people are fighting for the right to be heard. Democracy is that right on a grand scale. Democracy is not only being heard‚ but being listened to. Democracy is when you are given an equal vote on decisions that directly affect you. And when given this tremendous responsibility‚ people will surprise you. They rise to the occasion and educate themselves

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    Etymologically‚ democracy comes from two Greek words‚ demos and cratein. Demos means society while cratein means authority. There are many terminological definitions of democracy‚ one of it is definition is by Henry B. Mayo stating that democracy is a political system showing the public policy determined by representatives audited effectively by the society by having periodic elections based on principles of political similarities in a situation where there is freedom to choose. This means that

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    Threats To Democracy In Pakistan: ’’ Freedom & Democracy are just more than ideals to be followed‚ rather necessary for survival’’ Noam chomsky. I have attempted the essay based on democracy in 2011 & prepared it like the one u jotted down. Similarly if you start the introduction with the paragraph like: Dancing around the fire is not the solution to any problem‚ one should try to set & see beneath the surface in order to grasp the main issue relating to the crisis of democracy in Pakistan

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    governments become too powerful and abuse their own people. To stop this problem we need the right type of government‚ therefore a democracy would be the best choice. Democracy is a government for the people‚ by the people‚ of the people. Democracy is the most sufficient type of government. Popular sovereignty and equality are the best core democratic values that support democracy. A core democratic value is the fundamental beliefs and constitutional principles of our society‚ which units all Americans

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    • 1936 Words
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    What is Democracy? 1.government by the people; a form of government in which thesupreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly bythem or by their elected agents under a free electoral system. 2.a state having such a form of government. 3.a state of society characterized by formal equality of rights andprivileges. 4.political or social equality; democratic spirit. 5.the common people of a community as distinguished from anyprivileged class; the common people with respect to theirpolitical power

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    similarities and differences between the Greek concept of democracy and present day representative democracy? The Greece word ’demokratia’‚ which means ’governement by the people’‚ was first used by the Greece to show their political system. Back to the 5th century BC of the classical Greece period to the modern 21st century‚ over such a long period of time‚ threre are still some similarities bewteen the Athenian democracy and our present democracy. Like our modern voting districts‚ the Athenian country

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    Failure of Democracy in Pakistan Democracy is a form of government in which supremacy of power is vested in the people of the voters collectively‚ and it is administered by them or the officers appointed by them. according to Chambers Dictionary it also means a state of society characterized by recognition of equality of right and privileges political‚ social and legal equality. The most accepted definition of democracy is Government of the people‚ for the people‚ and by the people (Abraham Lincoln)

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    In a democracy the poor will have more power than the rich‚ because ther are more of them‚ and will of the majority is supreme” Aristotle Democracy is a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state‚ typically through elected representatives. Abraham Lincoln described democracy as: “The government of the people‚ by the people and for the people”. It means that in democratic form of government common man plays the pivotal role. The aristocracy‚ the land lords

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    governments and a great example is the United States of America. Ancient Greek democracy had a deep influence on the design of political institutions in the United States. Many ideas from Ancient Greece pertaining to how they set up their

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