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    establishing internal industries‚ such as tapestry production which France has become famous for. (Doc. 5) He also was searching for ways to expand overseas trade. (Doc.1) Although Louis XIV made plans for maritime growth‚ this did not necessarily mean he carried them through. In 1669 France only held five hundred to 600 hundred naval ships‚ compared to the 15‚000 to 16‚000 of the Dutch Fleet. (Doc.6) A Navy was very important to colonial trade during the seventieth and eighteenth centuries. A country

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    A. Economic features * Doc 1: City lies at intersection of global trading routes (Heart of Yangtze river delta); * Doc 1: Economic potential; * Doc 1: Sustained and substantial econ. growth -> landscape of vertical and horizontal expansion; * Doc 1: economy is modernizing -> ½ labor force work n the service sector + 36% are employed in industry; B. Infrastructural features * Doc 1: Rampant construction activity; * Doc 1: public + private sectors => building

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    the church was established. It was family oriented. The colony was well organized and stable‚ which can be shown by the ship to New England’s passenger list‚ which listed the name‚ occupation‚ relationship to the head of the family‚ and their age (doc b). The people that migrated to New England were wealthy and important because of the organization of the list. The Chesapeake‚ on the other hand‚ wasn’t so put together. The majority of the population was black slaves‚ since plantation owners relied

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    Reformation DBQ

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    “sola scriptura”‚ which is Latin for “scripture alone” and says that the scripture is the only source for knowledge on salvation and holiness. A German woodcut from the 16th century portrays the Protestant emphasis on the scripture in one of his works (Doc 3). His work advocates Protestant beliefs by showing a young preacher in the Protestant woodcut and a fat monk in the Catholic woodcut. In the Protestant woodcut‚ the preacher is holding a Bible‚ as is everyone else. This shows the importance of the

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    various backgrounds.(Doc C) Jamestown’s location on an island was a rather poor decision for many reasons. One of which was the lack of fresh water available to settlers. Since the island was near the coast‚ it was surrounded by brackish water‚ a mix of salt water and fresh water resulting in an undrinkable water source around the island. Wells dug on the island were usually shallow and thus suffered the chance of drought or salt water intrusion from the surrounding water.(Doc A) Without a readily

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    ap world history 2007 dbq

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    intricate waterways were created to aid the transportation of goods and basic water regulation for society. In (Doc 1)‚ these basic structures were heavily maintained‚ and offices in charge of each district were recommended to maintain experienced staff with the ways of water. Technology is a constantly evolving force that would increase efficiency of products on a grand scale. In (Doc 4)‚ the water-powered engine is described as being a great benefit to society. The water-powered engine created

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    prisoner’s box” (Doc. 7). People followed Gandhi in his protests and many followed him into jail feeling “firm in [their] resolution of passing [their] terms in jail in perfect happiness and peace” (Doc. 7). While he was in jail‚ Mme. Naidu‚ an Indian poetess‚ filled in his position in leading protests. She encouraged the protesters by reiterating that “[they] must not use any violence… [they would] be beaten but [they] must not resist…not even raise a hand to ward off blows” (Doc. 4). The author

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    the federal constitution‚ Jefferson stresses how our country is “too large” to have our “affairs directed by à single government” (doc à). States must preserve the rights they were granted. In his letter to Samuel Miller‚ Jefferson supports the bill of rights stating “Certainly no power prescribe any religious exercise or to assume authority in religious discipline”(doc b). He makes it clear how the federal government has no power to change à religion based on his comment. Closing off all trade with

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    perfect at that time. England’s natural resources helped in many ways to boom the newly Industrial Revolution. For instance‚ England’s abundance of coal provided a good power source for energy; its abundance of iron would be needed for construction (Doc. 1‚ 4) and the damp climate was good for cotton growing. These new source of energies replaced wind and water to create "labor saving" machines that dramatically decrease the use of human and animal labors and at the same time increase the level of

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    legal system protecting the rights of the victim. DOCS had been informed and about the R v BW & SW (n03) [2009] NSWSC 1043 case and had made appeals to the children’s court to have the case cited under the‚ The Neglected Children and Juvenile Offenders Act 1905 but the case was on no occasion received .The victim in R v BW & SW (no3) NSWSC 1043 case was merely forgotten and disregarded by the system. The Department of community services (DOCS) assessed the state of affairs and labelled situation

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