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    FINANCIAL PRODUCTS AND SERVICES SYLLABUS Course Instructor: Associate Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thu ThuyDean of Faculty of Business Administration‚ Foreign Trade University Email: thuynguyen0202@gmail.com Course Description: A comprehensive and advanced study of financial products and services for investors and corporations; of financial analysis‚ planning‚ and control techniques for a business entity with emphasis on corporations.Course Objectives: On completion of the course‚ the student should

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    REVIEW: MIDTERM #2 MICROECONOMIC PRINCIPLES-1102‚ section #11 Professor Ardy Lynn Wurtzel SEAEINNSruEB 1. Please use Sarah’s Utility chart below to determine what combination of Clothing and Shoes would maximize her utility (find her consumer eq uilibrium)-10pts. [1lzt: Complete the charl’s (1) MU/$ column‚ the (2) TU (Clothing & Shoes) column and the (3) Income Spent column. This will allow you to solve for consumer equilibrium.] Price (per unit): S1O.0O MU (cr)/s SARAH’STOTAL INEOME P-rjeE@_Ss

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    Factors of Production

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    people and businesses that make a commodity available for sale or trade.   Production is the process of creating and providing a commodity to consumers.   Factors of production are the forces that combine to make the production of goods and services possible.   Click the tabs to learn about the factors of production. Land as a factor of production means not just the surface of the earth‚ but everything in the universe that wasn’t created by people. This includes all natural resources‚ such

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    Environmental Factors

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    Environmental Factors Environmental factors can be political‚ social‚ ecological‚ cultural‚ technological and ethical in nature. Any organization that develops a product or service that they want to market domestically or globally must consider what the impact each of these factors may have for them. Not considering these factors can result in the failed attempt to market a product‚ which may be successful domestically‚ in other countries where there is a significant market potential.

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    External Factors

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    internal and external factors. Describe two factors and explain their effects on people’s health. This assignment will be looking at how a person’s health is affected by both internal and external factors. Health can be affected by several different causes and may vary for each person due to the influence and nature of these factors. However‚ this assignment will be looking specifically into the biological aspect discussing topics such as obesity and genetics as the internal factor and exploring the


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    factors affecting

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    Publishing‚ Rome-Italy Vol. 3 No. 3 September 2013 89 Factors Affecting the Study of Accounting in Nigerian Universities Odia‚ J.O. (PhD) Department of Accounting‚ University of Benin‚ Benin City‚ Nigeria odiajames@yahoo.com‚ 234-8056580011 Ogiedu‚ K.O. (PhD) Department of Accounting‚ University of Benin‚ Benin City‚ Nigeria koogiedu@yahoo.com‚ 234-8033600045 Doi:10.5901/jesr.2013.v4n3p89 Abstract This paper examines the factors affecting students ’ career choice of accounting in Nigerian

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    The Fred Factor

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    The Fred Factor Mark Sanborn Published in 2004 by Doubleday Chad Keen Quest for Career and Vocation Dr. Rob Littleton March 29‚ 2012 Fred‚ the mail carrier who passionately loves his job and who genuinely cares about the people he serves‚ is constantly going the extra mile handling the mail and sometimes watching over the houses of the people on his route‚ treating everyone he meets as a friend. Where others might see delivering mail as monotonous

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    External Factor

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    The External Factor Political‚ Governmental & Legal Forces  Government spending and taxation policies  Hong Kong is a free port of less tax and low tax rate. The tax must to pay for enterprise only pay the profit tax every year. The normal rate of Profits Tax is 16.5% for corporations and 15% for unincorporated businesses. More companies have been attracted to invest in Hong Kong.  Hong Kong does not impose value-added tax (VAT)‚ goods and services tax (GST) or sales tax. The price of products

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    Factor Analysis

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    Factor Analysis Factor analysis is a data and variable reduction technique that attempts to partition a given set of variables into groups (called factors) or maximally correlated variables. 1. Factor Analysis Characteristics i. Interdependence  Technique * Dependent Variable – None * More than one Variable – metric ii. Factor analysis is subjective and creative 2. Factor Analysis Output i. Data reduction from large number of variables to smaller number of factors ii. Factors

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    Power Factor

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    Topic: Power Factor Define the following? Real Power or Active Power Real Power is the power that is actually converted into useful work for creating heat‚ light and motion. Reactive Power Reactive Power is the power used to sustain the electromagnetic field in inductive and capacitive equipment. It is the nonworking power component. Reactive power Total Power or Apparent power is the combination of real power and reactive power. Total power is measured

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