to my beliefs that the Elgin Marbles should stay at the Duveen Gallery in Britain. The first section seeks to credit Lord Elgin and a legitimate purchase. The second section revolves around the Elgin Marbles as a symbol of Greek identity and why keeping them in Britain makes sense. Finally‚ the third section focuses on the location of the antiquities in relation to the accessibility by scholars and world-travelers. The first point to be debated revolves around Lord Elgin‚ British Ambassador to
Premium British Museum Elgin Marbles Parthenon
battling over ownership of marbles sculptures from 2‚400 years ago. Parthenon Marbles was the name given to marble sculptures by the Greeks‚ who believe these sculptures belong to them because they were originally located in the Temple of Athena Parthenos in Athens. Elgin Marbles was the name given to marble sculptures by the British. The British believe they are the rightful owners of the marbles sculptures because British ambassador Thomas Bruce‚ who was the seventh earl of Elgin‚ purchased them. Although
Premium Parthenon British Museum Elgin Marbles
time‚ in developing countries the economy is poor and they don’t have the resources to maintain the originality of these artefacts. The Elgin Marbles‚ a significant denominator of Greek History‚ are a present concern under the debate‚ ‘Who owns the past?’ generally between curators and the Greek government. Initially‚ the Greeks held possession of the Elgin Marbles‚ in Athens but they were removed by the British Lord
"Assess the arguments for the return of the Parthenon/Elgin Marbles to Greece" The question as to whether or not the esteemed Parthenon Marbles should be returned to Greece or persist in their contemporary locality in the British Museum has been the subject to rigorous debate from historians‚ politicians and the general public alike. The major contemporary arguments supporting the return of the marbles to Greece involve the fact that the Greek government has accepted concerns regarding inadequate
Premium Parthenon British Museum Elgin Marbles
A Matter of Justice The Case for the Repatriation of the Parthenon Marbles It may be unfair to judge the past based on present day morals or beliefs. This does not‚ however‚ excuse allowing past injustices to go uncorrected. Many of the worlds most prestigious museums are filled with trophies of colonial expansion (Rubenstein 2004271) obtained by veritable vandalism (Barringer 199821-23). It is no consolation that the responsible parties are long dead. In fact‚ the heart of the issue is the legitimacy
Premium Parthenon Elgin Marbles British Museum
whether the Elgin or Parthenon Marbles should be kept in Britain‚ or returned to Greece‚ has been a frenzied dispute since the early 1800’s. Lord Elgin originally took possession of the Marbles to either salvage them from being further destroyed‚ or he bought them and re-sold them to the British Museum. Whether Lord Elgin‚ ambassador to the then ruling Ottoman empire‚ had the authority to handle the Marbles presents great confusion‚ “[a]s to whether Elgin had legal authority to remove the marbles‚ the
Premium Parthenon Elgin Marbles British Museum
with other iconic marbles‚ from the Acropolis by Lord Elgin between 1801 - 1805 in an effort to preserve them. 1 This collection of Elgin marbles at the British Museum recently has become controversial‚ as Greeks want a key part of history back. The United Nations (UN) has worked tirelessly to find a solution‚ however neither Greece nor the United Kingdom (UK) is ready to settle. Greek curators should care for Nike Adjusting Her Sandal‚ as well as the other Elgin Marbles in the UK‚ until Greece
Premium Parthenon Elgin Marbles
POWDERED MARBLE AS ALTERNATIVE TO COMMERCIAL CERAMIC TILES Class Project in English 104 (Technical Writing) Abstract This study determined whether powdered marble can be used as substitute to ceramics in the manufacture of commercial tiles. It especially determined and compared the water absorption‚ crazing resistance‚ chemical resistance‚ and breaking strength of 59%-50% and 75%-25% powdered marble tiles‚ and the commercial ceramic tiles. The Static Group
Premium Tile Limestone Calcium carbonate
specifically to address the problem of how to confront the growing number of requests for repatriation of objects from ‘universal’ museums and in particular the increasingly political nature of the international movement to reunite the Parthenon Marbles. The outcome of the Group’s deliberations was the publication of a united ‘declaration’ promoting the “importance and value of universal museums.” Significantly‚ although the British Museum was not among the original signatories‚ the declaration was
Premium British Museum Museum Elgin Marbles
Between 1801 and 1805 Lord Elgin‚ from the Parthenon in Athens‚ obtained the Elgin Marbles‚ which consists of pieces of architecture‚ sculptures‚ and inscriptions. The Elgin Marbles can be found in the British Museum‚ which allow people to understand ancient Greek and Athenian history. Since the sculptures are one of the longest cultural rows in Europe‚ the Greeks want the art to be returned back to their homeland. Because the Greeks believe that the pieces were illegally taken from Greece. On the
Premium Ancient Greece Parthenon Athens