A hurricane is easily the most powerful storm that mother-nature can throw at us. Every year people who live on the coasts fight hurricanes with no dismay. A hurricane is simply too strong. Their winds reach speeds of 75 mph. The winds around the eye wall can reach 130 to 150 mph. They are 200 to 300 miles in diameter. The number of casualties is endless‚ as well as the widespread destruction that takes millions of dollars to repair. Even if the hurricane doesn’t cause a lot of damage‚ the
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Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh... Honoriable ones the juries‚ the participant of English speech contest‚ and all audiences. Before I begin to give a speech‚ I would like to invite you to thank to Allah the Almighty‚ Who has given us Mercy and Blessing‚ so we can meet together in this blessing place. And also I don’t forget to deliver sholawat and salam to our prophet Muhammad SAW‚ Who has brought us from the darkness to the brightness‚ so we are always in the right way. Ladies
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businesses‚ with a difference ’ ’.(17.7 p.15). Retrieved from: http://go.galegroup.com.ezproxy.auckland.ac.nz/ps/i.do?action=interpret&id=GALE%7CA113608305&v=2.1&u=learn&it=r&p=ITOF&sw=w&authCount=1 Morrison‚ G. (March‚ 2009) EMA Business: RJ ’s innovation makes over market category. Issue 57‚ p. 23. Retrieved from: https://www.ema.co.nz/SiteCollectionDocuments/Advocacy/Business%20Plus/2009/EMA_BusinessPlus_Mar_2009.pdf ShefShop.com: RJ ’Soft Black Licorice-New Zealand (2013)
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to the actual contest‚ but we still followed most of the guidelines that they came up with. The goal was to make a bridge that could hold the most weight but also it needed to be light.The bridge had to span over 48 inches. My partners were Kat and Ema. At first‚ we started to think of designs to make a bridge. Our first design‚ after calculating how much wood it was going to take‚ came out to be a very large amount of wood that we could not use. Even though we trashed the idea‚ we kept the base idea
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1.0 INTRODUCTION AeroCookies has started as a small business during fasting month in 2009. The original business started with just three types of cookies to be sold at “Pasar Ramadan” Bandar Baru Salak Tinggi and Subang Jaya. Before starting the business‚ we had been in discussion to in what business that we wanted to involve in for the 2009 fasting month. The first thing we had to do was to identify the needs and wants of customer’s during the fasting month. After identifying the needs and wants
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Proficiency at PIKIH Program of UIN Alauddin Makassar (Ahmad Hidayat) 9. The Effectiveness of English Comp. Program in Increasing The Second Year Student Interest in Learning English of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri Reok in Nusa Tenggara Timur (Ema Ulfa Jihadah) 10. The Effectiveness of Imaginative Reading Materials in Improving Reading Comprehension of The Second Year Students of SMP 2 Arungkeke Jeneponto (Al-Sumarni) 11. Using Schema Activation Strategy to Increase the Second Year
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means that teachers and schools now have to work hard to get the best results for their pupils. Schools that do not produce good exam results will lose pupils and funding. However‚ some government policies‚ such as Education Maintenance Allowances (EMAs)‚ help educationally disadvantaged social groups. Such policies are more concerned with creating equality of educational opportunity than with producing an education market. Essay Educational policies are laws and strategies that have been introduced
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