"Evaluate the influence of two major theories of ageing on health and social care provision" Essays and Research Papers

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    Two Major Form

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    Two major forms of drama arose from the 14th to the18th centuries in Japan . These two theaters of drama are the N (Noh ) and Kabuki forms Both are still existent to this date ‚ as it continues to convey many aspects of the Japanese culture during its feudal era to its golden age Compared to the Eurocentric Western theaters ‚ the Noh and Kabuki could be considered as too simple at first glance . However ‚ it is more of an interpretative form of play that unlocks the imagination of the audience completely


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    Legislation relating to health and safety in a health or social care work setting; • Health and Safety at Work Act (HASWA) 1974 - ensures the health and safety of everyone who may be affected by work activities. • Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (MHSWR) 1999 - requires employers and managers to carry out risk assessments to eliminate or minimise risks to health and safety. • Workplace‚ (Health‚ Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 - minimises the risks to health and safety associated

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    Health and Social Care Unit 3

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    Unit 3- health and wellbeing Definitions: Health and wellbeing meanings come in three forms-holistic‚ positive and negative. Health and wellbeing’s meaning cannot be fixed because health means different things to different people‚ and your intellectual thinking of health can change from day to day; depending on your experiences you go through. Literally the word health comes from an old English word meaning “the state of being hale‚ sound or whole‚ in body mind or soul”. This tells us that our

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    means the difference between people and the values and beliefs that they have‚ there is lots of ways in which people differ‚ for example‚ ability‚ beliefs‚ race‚ religion‚ gender‚ culture‚ the differences in people are what makes an individual and as a care worker it is important to recognise these and respect their individuality to ensure that they feel valued and included‚ if I treated everyone the same or made assumptions or decisions for my service user’s or stereotyped people this would cause them

    Premium Sociology Sexual orientation Culture

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    COMMUNICATION IN ADULT SOCIAL CARE SETTINGS TASK A Ai Identify four different reasons why people communicate People communicate in order to establish and maintain relationships with others‚ to give and receive information and instructions‚ to understand and be understood‚ to share opinions‚ knowledge‚ feelings‚ and emotions‚ to give encouragement and show others they are valued. Aii Describe two ways how effective communication can affect relationships in an adult social care settings between individuals

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    socio-cultural factor that will fundamentally affect health and social care organisations in Malta is the media. Media is the means of communication. It is a communication channel through which several types of information such as news and data‚ are circulated. The media is one of the main factors that will have a huge impact on health and social care organisations as it can be a way of amending the patient’s familiarity with the health and social care organisation he or she is treated in. Due to more

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    D1: Evaluate the regulation of care provision for looked after children and young people. The organisation that support carers and who regulates them include: The General Social Care Council (GSCC) is responsible for the registration of all people who work in social services in England and for regulating their education and training. This includes those working with adults and with children. Local Authority Children’s Services: Ofsted are responsible for the inspection of local authority arrangements

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    ends up in hospital after a violent incident. Mostly when families breakdown we as a community know nothing about it (their family problems are kept private) this becomes a public issue which may require the creation of a “policy for dealing with social issues”‚ when we see young people sleeping rough or the crime rate increases as the homeless person steals to feed them self. Over the years there has been significant research and development of policies which are aimed at combating homelessness

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    Heath and Ageing

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    explain the different aspects‚ concerning health and ageing. These are aspects are population and ageingsocial exclusion‚ quality of life‚ discrimination and ageing and health in gerneral. To start with the aspect of population and ageing‚ the main issue first of all‚ is that the numbers and proportion of older people in the population are growing because of decreasing birth rates and increasing life expectancy. In fact‚ ageing is one of the greatest social and economic challenges of the 21st century

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    “Reflective practice is a process by which you: stop and think about your practice‚ consciously analyse your decision making and draw on theory and relate it to what you do in practice.” (Csp.org.uk‚ 2014). Reflective practice allows us to evaluate how we provide care and to learn from both good and bad outcomes. It is important to be open‚ honest and critical when reflecting on our work. A diary may be utilised to help you reflect by yourself or you may find it beneficial to work with a colleague

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