"Examine the key features of utilitarianism" Essays and Research Papers

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    Utilitarianism says that the moral and ethical thing to do is that which provides the most happiness or the least unhappiness to society. Sitting in class listening to the lecture on the moral theory of Utilitarianism it first sounded like the best moral theory ever. However as the classes continued and we learned more and more about this theory my opinion quickly changed. In this paper I will defend the idea that Utilitarianism is a failed moral theory. As stated in James Rachels‚ The Elements

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    “The end may justify the means as long as there is something that justifies the end.” - Leon Trotsky. This quote closely relates to a philosophy that became popular in Russia in the 1860’s- utilitarianism. Utilitarianism is a philosophy defined as the idea of the moral worth of an action is determined only by the contribution to the overall utility‚ the contribution of happiness or pleasure among all people. Meaning‚ the moral worth of an action is solely determined by its outcome. Moral choices

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    above case‚ we are going to face a dilemma between risking our life to save our colleague or to abandon them in order to save ourselves. This essay will argue that we should abandon our injured colleague and save ourselves base on the concept of utilitarianism‚ which is always choose whatever action or social policy would have the best consequence for everyone concerned‚ self-interest in Mohism and also the uncertainty about consequences in Kantianism. This will be asserted by explaining two main reasons

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    Utilitarianism Vs Hedonism

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    pleasure‚ while for utilitarianism philosophers the ultimate goal in life is to find happiness. Both‚ which seem reasonable goals to live by each day. But what does hedonism and utilitarianism mean‚ what is happiness‚ would either approve of Nozick’s Experience Machine in order to achieve happieness or pleasure? In this paper‚ I will explain how utilitarianism and hedonism works‚ what are their philosophies and will argue if either one would approve

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    Destroying the ecosystem would not be inherently wrong on the basis of utilitarianism if the usage benefits all citizens. The text explains utilitarianism as “everyone should perform that act or follow that moral rule that will bring about the great good (or happiness) for everyone concerned” (Thiroux & Krasemna‚ 2.3). All Utilitarians believe that every action shall be conducted with the highest consideration of all mankind. If each person used the nature for the benefit of all and the resources

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    job to be able to financially support your family. Most people would agree that lying or torturing someone is wrong. However‚ some may argue that if you are helping more people than you are hurting‚ then it is okay to lie to or torture someone. Utilitarianism is the ethical theory that the action you choose to perform should result in “the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number of people” (MacKinnon and Fiala). It is a form of consequentialism that focuses on the consequences of actions

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    How Utilitarianism Works

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    Utilitarianism works” Asses this view Bentham created utilitarianism and Mill improved it. It main points are that human society exists to create happiness‚ that happiness is the highest goal and that everything needs to fit a purpose. The advantages of Bentham’s theory include a reasonable link between moralities‚ the pursuit of happiness and the avoidance of pain. According to Bowie it seems natural to consider the consequences when deciding our actions. He stated that “Utilitarianism offers

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    types of ethical analysis utilized when making a decision‚ but utilitarianism is unique in its particular way. Utilitarianism‚ a theoretical approach to ethics‚ calculates any decision as accurate if the result benefit the majority of the people. The utilization of this system in businesses is common‚ but everyday people may also make use of this system in their daily lives to achieve the best outcome to the majority. Utilitarianism system is very distinctive and beneficial theorem for some who

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    beliefs. You have to ask yourself what is more important to you‚ is it morally right to pleasure the masses even if it causes harm to some people which is Mills Utilitarianism theory or do you do what is logically and morally right according to universal law like Kant’s deontological theory. In Bernard Williams experiment against Utilitarianism Jim is put in a very difficult situation with only two options and can either not kill any of the Indians or kill one of them himself. In this scenario their

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    As stated in the PowerPoint this week‚ “Utilitarianism says that the result or the consequence of an act is the real measure of whether it is good or bad. The great good that we should seek is happiness.” Given this‚ what the anthropologist should do depends on if what will cause the most happiness not for herself‚ but for everyone involved? As an egoist‚ you would want to look out for yourself only. In this case‚ the anthropologist would want to tell the appropriate state agency so she doesn’t get

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