CU1688: Support Positive Risk Taking for Individuals. 1. Understand the importance of risk taking in everyday life 1.1 Explain ways in which risk is an integral part of everyday life. Without a certain amount of risk taking nothing could be achieved‚ this is because even the food that we consume on a daily basis could have a negative impact on our lives. The opposite side to this are the benefits that come from taking little risks every day‚ these may include how we get to work in the morning‚ what
Premium Risk Risk management Risk assessment
Write an essay of your own choice‚ e.g. “My understanding of person-centred counselling”. Relate and refer to your own life experience and/or your work context. I am on a life-long path as a Skilled Helper (Egan) with some training in Integrative Psychotherapy. I am currently striving to integrate Carl Rogers’ ideas and practices into my existing knowledge framework whilst attempting to see previously identified phenomena through new eyes. My aim is to use this knowledge to influence my practice
Premium Psychotherapy Psychology Psychoanalysis
Can a machine be a person? The topic of this debate is whether machines with artificial intelligence that is able to replicate human behavior can be considered human or not. This house believes that computers are fully capable of being humans because regardless of whether it is made of the ‘wrong stuff’ if it is able to adapt to human attributes or behavior then there should be no reason to classify them as otherwise. This argument is considered from a materialist view; which states that we
Free Mind Psychology Philosophy of mind
Bond (2010) states: An ethical framework creates a basic conceptual structure within which we can all feel safe and supported to move around freely and make choices. There is enough of a structure to define the available choices and give a sense of distinguishing what is ethically acceptable from the unacceptable or unwise............the framework creates sufficient spaces.....where counsellors can position themselves in ways that fit a sense of personal and professional integrity and take into
Premium Ethics
Explain the importance of closing a session Each counselling session is likely to be emotive which will leave the client vulnerable to the outside world of the counselling room. Since some difficult topics are likely to be discussed and the client is likely to express a variety of emotions‚ it can be hard to bring a session to an end. Sometimes it can feel that the timing of the endings is insensitive to the clients needs. It is extremely important to summarise accurately and sensitively to confirm
Free Discrimination Emotion Gender
techniques will be used. I will compare and contrast the approaches of Carl Rogers‚ Sigmund Freud and Albert Ellis. I will look at how their theories have impacted on the counselling processes in modern times and throughout history. In the humanistic approach in counselling there is a vital importance that the core conditions between client and counselling are present from the outset for the relationship to exist. Roger stated that the core conditions were “necessary and sufficient conditions of therapeutic
Premium Psychology Psychotherapy Sigmund Freud
Implement Person Centred Approaches In Health And Social Care Outcome 1 Understand person centred approaches for care and support? 1.1 Define Person - centred values? Person centred values means the people whom we support are able to be involved and included in every aspect of their care and support. For example: * Their needs‚ Assessments‚ Care delivery‚ and Support planning. So basically person centred approaches‚ policies and procedures and care practices should put the residents
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Unit 305 Outcome 1 understand person centred approaches in adult social care 1.1 Describe person centred approaches. Person- centred approaches are an essential part involving good working practice when working with clients/ service users. Ensuring that everything to do with individual care is built around them. Also allowing them to be independent as possible and makings their own decision on how they would like to be supported. 1.2 Explain why person-centred values must influence all aspect of
Premium Health care Psychology Person
Modernas‚ N° 19‚ 2013 / 421-435 / ISSN: 1659-1933 The Role of Risk-Taking Behavior in the Development of Speaking Skills in ESL Classrooms Irene Marín Cervantes Escuela de Lenguas Modernas Universidad de Costa Rica Abstract This essay presents an overview of different perspectives of the risk-taking construct in the development of speaking skills in the second language classroom. Its main purpose is to examine the role of risk taking in the acquisition of a foreign or second language and the
Premium Second language acquisition Language acquisition Linguistics
updated immediately and this information must be passed over to the senior in charge or the General Manager so that it can be passed on to other appropriate members of staff. This will then provide others with the right tools to prevent a situation or to help manage it if one does arise again. The Care plan must be reviewed and updated every time an incident occurs. Restraint can be used as a way to manage challenging behaviour however this should always be a last resort and only if the danger to
Premium Abuse Child abuse