The Role of Risk-Taking Behavior in the Development of Speaking
Skills in ESL Classrooms
Irene Marín Cervantes
Escuela de Lenguas Modernas
Universidad de Costa Rica
This essay presents an overview of different perspectives of the risk-taking construct in the development of speaking skills in the second language classroom. Its main purpose is to examine the role of risk taking in the acquisition of a foreign or second language and the improvement of oral proficiency. The first section introduces the concept of risk taking from markedly different perspectives of several authors. The second section focuses on the particular traits that characterize risk takers in the language learning scenario. The third section explains the distinctive variables, namely, situational, social and individual, which are responsible for differences in risk-taking levels. The last section compares and contrasts the high and low use of risk-taking behaviors which leads to a final discussion and reflection on some pedagogical issues concerning risk taking in the second language classroom.
Key words: risk taking, language learning, language acquisition, speaking skills
Este ensayo hace un análisis de la toma de riesgos en el desarrollo de las destrezas orales en las clases de inglés. Se examina el papel que juega este factor en la adquisición de una segunda lengua y se describen las características de los estudiantes que asumen riesgos en la clase y las de aquellos que los evitan. Se comparan los dos tipos de estudiantes y se discuten las implicaciones pedagógicas de esta comparación para el beneficio de profesores y estudiantes de una segunda lengua.
Palabras claves: riesgos, aprendizaje de una lengua, adquisición de una segunda lengua, destrezas orales
Recepción: 2-10-13
Aceptación: 23-10-13
Revista de Lenguas Modernas, N° 19, 2013 / 421-435 / ISSN:
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