"Fate or destiny" Essays and Research Papers

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    The Fate of Men There are many themes in the Sophocles’ tragedies; among them is whether fate is crafted by man or a higher power. In other words “Does mankind have the power to shape their own destiny or is their fate already decided for them?” In the Oedipus Cycle‚ we can see that men have limited control over their destiny. Their fate is already decided by a higher power and cannot be avoided. No matter what path you choose or how you react‚ your destiny will be fulfilled one way or another

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    of our actions‚ or in other words our destiny. The Greeks believed Fate as a concept outside human understanding that could shape life. Sophocles’ play Oedipus the King protagonist‚ Oedipus‚ suffers a tragic end due to his decisions and actions. Maybe he didn’t deserve all that happened to him‚ but his destiny was sealed‚ the Gods decided what will happen to him‚ so whatever he did‚ involuntary or not‚ wouldn’t change what was predilected to him. Oedipus’ fate was sealed

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    What if destiny can be changed? Is escaping your fate ever a good thing? Is it ever a good idea to try to escape your destiny? In the tragic Greek play Oedipus Rex by Sophocles‚ a man escapes his given fate and establishes a new life by being the King of Thebes. Sadly‚ the city is going through a plague and by trying to fix this‚ Oedipus’ fate comes back to him‚ a Prophecy which stated that he was destined to kill his father and marry his mother. Once finding out the truth‚ he impales brooches

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    utilizes the supernatural and fate to pave the destiny of some of his characters in his tragedies. Macbeth‚ Julius Caesar‚ and Hamlet appear to have a common novel theme of fate‚ betrayal to supremacy‚ and the struggle to restore providential power. Shakespeare uses rhetoric to effectively convey the idea of fate and the struggle against it. In all three of these Shakespearian tragedies characters encounter the emotion of disbelief and the struggle to seek refuge from fate and to ultimately live life

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    Fate and Free Will The idea about free will and fate is still unsolved and debatable throughout the world. Some claim that humans have their own power to create their own destiny‚ however‚ others argue that they are inescapable victims of fate. The novel‚ Things Fall Apart‚ portrays the relationship between human’s determination to succeed and his or her own fate by describing Okonkwo as a tragic figure. While Okonkwo believes that he can overcome his fate through his hard work‚ Chinua Achebe

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    The star crossed lovers known as Romeo and Juliet were brought together by fate. Not just anyone will fall in love at first sight‚ and to be willing to do what they did for each other is true love. William Shakespeare used fate in the play to bring together Romeo and Juliet and he also used it in the development of the story line. It was written in the ups and downs they experience together. Spotting each other and even seeing each other for the last time could have been predetermined history. In

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    In God’s Hands Hamlet’s fate was feared‚ fought‚ accepted‚ and then finally determined by God. In Shakespeare’s Hamlet‚ he proves that fate is already determined in the hand’s of God and it is not worth fighting because one will simply not win. “To be or not to be: that is the question” (3.1.57). Hamlet is afraid of where fate may take him with the choices he has to choose from. In the “To Be Or Not To Be” soliloquy‚ Hamlet finds himself conflicted by the two choices he has‚ kill himself or

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    predetermined and arranged before them like a road map to life; otherwise known as‚ fate. In The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet‚ Shakespeare supports that humans are sentenced to an inevitable fate through symbolism‚ the character of Romeo and irony. Throughout the play‚ Shakespeare uses symbolism to exemplify how fate is inevitable. The biggest symbol from the beginning to the end‚ is the stars. The stars represent one’s fate‚ and it was believed that the stars determined what happened

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    Fate is the destiny of one which cannot be understood by human comprehension‚ however one’s desires creates room for a change in route. In “The House of the Seven Gables”‚ Nathaniel Hawthorne established “fate” to play a significant role in affecting the protagonist’s lives‚ The Pyncheon‚ along with their actions. Hawthorne expressed the notion of “fate” versus “free will” through the Pyncheon during the beginning‚ middle and end of the novel. Fate has supposedly determined the way of the

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    Fate Unravels Catharsis in Oedipus Rex Oedipus expresses that “no man in the world can make the gods do more than the gods will” (Sophocles 38). Sophocles allows no thought‚ no word‚ and no action of the humans to determine their destinies in Oedipus Rex. This aspect interweaves with the intention of forming compassionate responses from the audiences‚ which signifies a core attribute of Greek tragedy. Sophocles’ presentation of an inevitable fate employs catharsis to heighten the fear and pity brought

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