"Filial piety" Essays and Research Papers

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    “What is the pious‚ and what the impious‚ do you say?” (6) Socrates asks one of these opponents‚ a man named Euthyphro‚ who is at court to prosecute his own father - an action which Euthyphro thinks to be pious. Socrates asks Euthyphro to define piety‚ and as he does so‚ Socrates uses their conversation to mock and twist Euthyphro’s words so they contradict themselves. Socrates wishes for Euthyphro to give him a general answer to the question of all things pious and impious. Over and over‚ Socrates

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    indoctrinating Euthyphro. This conversation takes place sometime before Socrates‘s death sentence and during the action of Euthyphro charging his own father of murder. This situation astonished Socrates causing him to ask Euthyphro for his own meaning of “piety‚” which follows with the famous argument‚ “Is the pious loved by the gods because it is pious‚ or is it pious because it is loved by the gods?” According to the meta-ethics view‚ is an action

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    Meno's Paradox

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    Question #1: Euthyphro’s Dilemma At Euthyphro 9e‚ Euthyphro claims that the pious is that which is loved by all the gods. In effect‚ he is claiming that the pious and the god-loved are identical. In reply to this claim‚ Socrates argues that “If the god-loved and the pious were the same‚ my dear Euthyphro‚ then if the pious was being loved because it was pious‚ the god-loved would also be being loved because it is god-loved.” Socrates is essentially arguing that if the ‘pious’ and the ‘god-loved’

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    Truth and Socrates

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    pious or holy is loved by the gods because it is pious or holy‚ which is equivalent to saying‚ that it is loved by them because it is dear to them. Here then appears to be a contradiction‚--Euthyphro has been giving an attribute or accident of piety only‚ and not the essence. Euthyphro acknowledges himself that his explanations seem to walk away or go round in a circle‚ like the moving figures of Daedalus‚ the ancestor of Socrates‚ who has communicated his art to his descendants. Present

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    What did Socrates mean by ‘the examined life’ In the Apology Socrates opined that the greatest good a man could engage in‚ is continual discussion about virtue and examination of its presence in self and others. Socrates felt that Athenians‚ like a purebred horse that is well fed but seldom exercised‚ had become lazy‚ sluggish and underperforming. He was disturbed by the indulgence which coupled with fixation on wealth was distracting his townsmen from true greatness that would only be achieved

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    The Half Way Covenant

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    Solomon Stoddard‚ who felt that the people of the English colonies were drifting away from their original religious purpose. First-generation settlers were beginning to die out‚ while their children and grandchildren often expressed less religious piety‚ and more desire for material wealth. Full membership in the tax-supported Puritan church required an account of a conversion experience‚ and only persons in full membership could have their own children baptized. Because the second and third generations

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    Popular Piety

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    increase in expression of popular piety became prevalent at the end of the 11th century during the call for the first crusade by Pope Urban II. Popular piety refers to seeking a closer more personal relationship with God that was based off of emotion and love. This emotive Christianity reflected a shift in the attitudes of medieval society that were continuing to change due to other historical factors happening from the 12th through 15th centuries. The growth of popular piety‚ the ongoing threat of heresy

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    The Greatness of Socrates

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    The Greatness of Socrates Socrates was born in Athens‚ Greece 322-399 before the Christian era and was politically indoctrinated under the cultural influences of Athena‚ Goddess of wisdom‚ skills‚ and warfare. (Loomis p. 5) He is well known for his philosophy of the “good life” in which he believes involves the pursuit of intellect as well as morals. His theory in this is to not focus so much on choosing what is always necessarily right in a situation‚ but to be the kind of individual who refrains

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    Given CircumstancesThe given circumstances of Tartuffe are few‚ yet they are essential to the reading of the script. The time of Tartuffe is displayed through several ways: while no specific time is ever mentioned‚ we know that the play takes place sometime after 1640 because the currency mentioned (the Louis) was established in 1640. And since now specific time references are mentioned‚ we can assume the play takes in ’modern times’ i.e. during the time it was written (the 1660’s). The action of

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    Piety In Early America

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    Piety Piety was a very important value for the early settlers and it was something that was valued by almost everyone during this time period. To have piety means to have a deep respect and devotion to God‚ and people often demonstrated their faith rather than keeping it hidden and done in private. Even though piety was prevalent before the first Americans settled in the New World‚ it became even more crucial for them. To the Pilgrims‚ God was their protector who protected them as they made their

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