West Bengal University of Technology BF-142‚ Salt Lake City‚ Kolkata-700064 Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in AEIE(To be followed from the academic session‚July 2006 ‚i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 2005-2006) (All periods will be of at least 50 minutes duration) SEMESTER – III Sl. No. Theory 1 2 3 4 5 6 PRACTICAL 7 8 9 10 Subject Code EE 301(EI) EC 301(EI) M 302 EC 302(EI) EE 302(EI) CS 302 EE 391 EE 392 EC 392 M(CS) 382 Subject Circuit Theory and Networks Discrete Electronic
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Image registration methods: a survey Barbara Zitová‚ ‚ Jan Flusser Department of Image Processing‚ Institute of Information Theory and Automation‚ Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Pod vodárenskou věžı́ 4‚ 182 08 Prague 8‚ Czech Republic http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0262-8856(03)00137-9‚ How to Cite or Link Using DOI Abstract This paper aims to present a review of recent as well as classic image registration methods. Image registration is the process of overlaying images (two or
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FTIR ANALYSIS Ed Hare‚ Ph.D. FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared) analysis provides spectral information that is essentially a molecular fingerprint for organic‚ polymeric‚ and in some case inorganic materials. This technique is extremely useful for identifying base polymer compositions and organic contaminants. The FTIR spectrum of the unknown material can be compared for “best matches” with libraries of spectra that have been cataloged for known materials. An example of an FTIR spectrum for
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Digital Image Processing Second Edition Instructorzs Manual Rafael C. Gonzalez Richard E. Woods Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River‚ NJ 07458 www.prenhall.com/gonzalezwoods or www.imageprocessingbook.com ii Revision history 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 c Copyright °1992-2002 by Rafael C. Gonzalez and Richard E. Woods Preface This manual contains detailed solutions to all problems in Digital Image Processing‚ 2nd Edition. We also include a suggested set of guidelines for using
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Case study A blue paint layer sample was collected from the wall decorations of the mortuary temple of Ramesses III (Medinet Habu. This temple is one of the largest memorial temples in Egypt. It measures 320 m in length (east to west) and about 200 m in width (north to south)‚ built with order of the Pharaoh Ramesses III (c.1184–1151 BC the 20th Dynasty). The micro-XRF spectrometer (SPECTRO‚ COPRA model) used to analyze the sample includes a side-window X-ray tube with Mo anode (Oxford Instruments
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The winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus) is a twining‚ perennial herbaceous legume which can climb to 3-4 meters (Kantha and Erdman‚ 1985). As a leguminous plant‚ winged bean can be used in almost all parts of the plant. Fruit‚ leaves‚ flowers‚ bulbs and seed are edible and contain high protein and oil (Kotaru et al.‚ 1987; Dwiani et al.‚ 2014). The mature‚ dry seed is the most nutritious part of the winged bean. Their outstanding nutritive quality is based‚ above all‚ on their high protein
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Abstract The Greek-Roman Isis temple is located on the west bank of Luxor; Upper Egypt was made of sandstone and decorated with different kinds of wall paintings. It suffers from many causes of deterioration and degradation mainly ground water‚ salt weathering‚ and different types of dirt accumulations on the relives and paint surface such as soot‚ grease‚ wax‚ biodeteriorated colored patches‚ bat patches‚ waste of birds and even house fly specks. All these lead to the gradual disappearance of paintings
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Electronics and Electrical Engineering Course Structure and Syllabus for BTech in Electronics and Electrical Engineering (to be applicable from 2010 batch onwards) Course No. CH101 CH110 EE101 MA101 ME110/ PH 110 ME 111 PH101 SA 101 Course Name Semester - 1 Chemistry Chemistry Laboratory Electrical Sciences Mathematics - I Workshop /Physics Laboratory Engineering Drawing Physics - I Physical Training -I NCC/NSO/NSS 3 0 3 3 0 0 2 0 0 11 Semester 3 MA201 EE200 EE201 EE220 HS2xx EE202 SA201 Mathematics
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modulation power efficiency. c. Sketch the modulated signal of part (a) in the time domain. d. If b = 0.5‚ repeat part (b). 3. The output signal from a DSB-SC AM modulator is u(t) = 20 cos(300πt) + 6 cos(280πt) + 6 cos(320πt) a. Determine the Fourier transform U (f) of u (t). b. Determine the normalized message signal mn(t) (which satisfies max{lmn(t)l} = 1) and the carrier signal c (t). c. Determine the average power of u (t). d. Determine the modulation index. e. Determine the modulation efficiency
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Fingerprint Recognition By ANJALI VATS A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Technology (ECE) HMRITM Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University Date: 25 JUNE 2014 Declaration I Hereby declare that all the design and implementation of the Project is my independent effort except otherwise specified. I also certify that this project have never been submitted for academic
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