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    Notes of Functionalism‚ Structualists are interested in describing and understanding the main insititutions of society The family The education system The health services The economy The political insititutions The media Functionalism is a consenseus theoy. Consensus means agreement. Funtionaliste believe that society work the way it does because the majority of people have shared norms and values‚ goals and rules. Everything serves a purpose or function The body cannot work

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    Structural Functionalism vs Conflict Theory Structural functionalism and conflict theory have some different points of view. One of them is that structural functionalism sees society as a complex system‚ that permit it to interact cohesively‚ and looks society as a macro-level orientation; while the conflict theory focuses on the social system that only work for a select few of society and is known because the struggle for dominance among social groups that compete for scarce resources. Knowing

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    Conflict theory and functionalism are two different theoretical perspectives that sociologists can have that allows them to make sense of a sociological event. Conflict theory is the idea that an individual or a group competes against others in society to obtain the greatest benefit. As a result of this competition‚ society is unstable due to the consistent change that occurs from conflict and inequality among groups. Functionalism can be thought of as the opposite of conflict theory because functionalists

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    Functionalism (or structuralism) versus intentionalism is a historiographical debate about the origins of the Holocaust as well as most aspects of the Third Reich‚ such as foreign policy. The debate on the origins of the Holocaust centers on essentially two questions: Was there a master plan on the part of Adolf Hitler to launch the Holocaust? Intentionalists argue there was such a plan‚ while functionalists argue there was not. Did the initiative for the Holocaust come from above with orders from

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    Critical Theory

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    social institution”‚ has in the study of literature‚ and a study of literature with other kinds of language and communication. In order to achieve this‚ two of the theorists‚ Ferdinand de Saussure and Jacques Derrida‚ from the Norton anthology of Critical Theory are going to be examined closely. Moreover‚ a brief encounter of Bakhtin’s essay‚ “Discourse in the Novel”‚ is going to be included in terms of analyzing the study of literature‚ in this instance‚ the novel. According to the sociology dictionary

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    Critical Theory

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    Choose 2 theories from Semester 1 and highlight the advantages and disadvantages of the theories’ application. In this essay two theories will be examined in regards to their advantages and disadvantages‚ when applied. For this‚ Feminism and Post-Colonialism will be used‚ as both theories unite in their aim to deconstruct the dominant ideologies and stereotypes in a patriarchal and imperialistic ‘white European male ’ dominated society‚ thus overthrowing centuries of colonization‚ subordination

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    Theories in sociology provide us with different perspectives with which to view our social world. A perspective is simply a way of looking at the world. A theory is a set of interrelated propositions or principles designed to answer a question or explain a particular phenomenon; it provides us with a perspective. Sociological theories help us to explain and predict the social world in which we live. Sociology includes three major theoretical perspectives: the structural-functionalist perspective

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    Structural Functionalism looks at society as a whole and tries to explain why society functions the way it does. Functionalism also wants to look at how different institutions impact our everyday lives. Emile Durkheim‚ the central figure in functionalist theory‚ turned to concrete science of sociology rather than abstract moral philosophy to bring about social change (Ferris‚ Stein 22). Durkheim believed that people should play their part in society and society cannot thrive if people are not working

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    Functionalist theory perceives latent function as an inclusive approach that entails child care‚ developing peer relationships and reducing unemployment by ensuring that high school students do not engage on full-time labor supply (Macionis & Gerber‚ 1997). Therefore

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    Structural Functionalism

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    Structural functionalism‚ or simply functionalism‚ is a framework for building theory that sees society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability.[1] This approach looks at society through a macro-level orientation‚ which is a broad focus on the social structures that shape society as a whole‚ and believes that society has evolved like organisms.[2] This approach looks at both social structure and social functions. Functionalism addresses society as a whole

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