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    The GED Social Studies Test World History Paula Schaffner California Distance Learning Project www.cdlponline.org 1 GED Video Partner #18 Passing the GED Social Studies Test A new world is not made simply by trying to forget the old. Henry Miller Video 18 Focus: themes in world history You Will Learn From Video 18:      That waterways determined where civilizations developed. That walls defined but trade routes connected many cultures. That first gunpowder

    Premium World War II Roman Empire Indigenous peoples

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    The California Highway Patrol Most people think that the sole purpose of the California Highway Patrol is to stop speeders‚ issue tickets and stick to the freeways. Unbeknownst to most people there are many layers to the California Highway Patrol. From being a safety dispatcher‚ helicopter pilot‚ to officer. All that the CHP represent and do is in their mission statement. “The mission of the California Highway Patrol is to provide the highest level of safety‚ service‚ and security to the

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    is five foot two and weighing two hundred pounds‚ then a man or woman who is six foot and weighing two hundred pounds. The third requirement is education. On page 125‚ you will see exhibit 5-3. It says that‚ 81% of agencies only require diploma or GED. People argue that officers should have a college degree. In smaller cities they do not have to but in some of the bigger cities they want higher education such as college degree. The fourth requirement is also part of the selection process. They have

    Premium Police Constable Law enforcement

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    Police Vs Media Policing

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    In North Carolina to be a police officer the only requirements are that the person must be 20 years of age‚ a US citizen‚ have a diploma or GED‚ and finish BLET (North Carolina Department of Justice ). According to neuroscientist Dr. Sandra Aamodt “The brain is not fully finished developing until about age 25” then continuing to explain that the prefrontal cortex‚ the part that helps with behavior

    Premium Police Police brutality Police officer

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    Clementine Lazuli is a energetic star who’s film talents have gotten her major recognition. She advocates for world equality and supports the free rice movement through the World Food Program. You can follow Clementine on Instagram @cleolazuli. 1. Why is world hunger a social concern of yours and what made you support the website‚ freerice.com? I advocate for a wide spectrum of issues. I support the website‚ freerice.com‚ because I trust and know that their profits are truly going towards the benefit

    Premium Poverty United States Unemployment

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    and universities all differ in ways they select as well as different degrees for admission policies. Most higher education institutes require a high school diploma or a high school equivalency certificate based on the General Education Development (GED). While community colleges have students take assessment or placement tests to determine their appropriate class level; Universities or four year colleges use many factors including standardized test scores‚ like SATs and ACTs‚ high school grade point

    Premium University College Higher education

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    I would like become a personal trainer when I get out of high school. A personal trainer also known as PTS are responsible for helping injured or ill people improve their movement and manage their pain‚ especially in the athletic field. There are many athletics that get injured during games or practices that need professional support to help them get better so they can maintain their tittle. Personal trainers can also be known as personal therapists‚ and these therapists are often an important part

    Premium Medicine Therapy Health care

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    overtakes his education‚ and he drops out of school. Instead of doing things typical teens would do‚ Dave would spend long days working; sometimes he worked forty or more hours a week. However‚ later on Dave works on his education and receives his GED. In boot camp‚ Pelzer’s drill sergeant reminds him of his mother‚ by the way he demands and barks at everyone. Dave gets even more discouraged when his letters to his father return to him unopened. He dreams of making enough money to buy a home for

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    Becoming A Police Officer

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    Being a police officer is not all about making money or having a badge‚ it’s about helping a community. This goes back to training something you need. There are six steps in becoming an officer.First you have to have a high school diploma or GED. Getting those two is the minimum formal education requirement for most officers. Second you have to meet more minimum requirements. You have to get a up to date drivers license and be at least 18 or older. Your background has to be clean with no criminal

    Premium Police Constable Psychology

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    Gb580 Unit 1

    • 1980 Words
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    my own dental assistant school. My plan is to have a school that will accept those who do not currently hold a high school diploma or GED. To me‚ these are the people who need the most help to become productive citizens and be able to provide for their families. While they are obtaining this skill (dental assisting); I will also be helping them obtain their GED. A mission statement “documents the purpose for an organization’s (person’s) existence. Mission statements often contain a code of conduct

    Premium Marriage Management Education

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