"Global village hsc english" Essays and Research Papers

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    Sundus Siddiqui HSC 3211: Case study #3 11/18/12 1) In light of the new results‚ discuss the increased importance for Patient X to start a diet‚ quit smoking and increase physical activity in line with his doctor’s recommendations. It is very important for Patient X to start a diet‚ quit smoking‚ and increase physical activity. This patient has a history of hypertension‚ for which he is already on medication. To reduce blood pressure‚ it is essential to follow a diet that is low on salt intake

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    A lifestyle without the modern gadgets sounds quite a hard life to live. But let’s look deep and analyze both sides of this. Life de-modernized would be a time consuming one requiring a lot of time and effort‚ there is no work which cannot be done without the assistance of machines and there is not a single area of human activity where machines don’t have to be used. No one can deny the fact that gadgets have not only simplified our lives but also made them more comfortable and luxurious. But on

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    Sara Garcia Mrs. Ap English Per. 1 Agust‚2013 Questions on Meaning 1. Ericsson’s thesis is when she says‚ "We lie. We all do. We exaggerate‚ we minimize‚ we avoid confrontation‚ we spare people’s feelings‚ we conveniently forget‚ we keep secrets‚ we justify lying to the big-guy institutions." These thesis has several ways people lie in one sentence which foreshadows that Ericsson will talk about certain types of lies aand examples. 2. Ericsson does not think we could eliminate lies from our life

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    global effects

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    Title: Advantages disadvantages of globalization 1 Advantages disadvantages of globalization ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Easier to communicate throughout the boundaries Easier to travel Cultural interchange International Trade Better and cheaper products Improvement of new technologies The cheaper products increases the purchase power The transport of the products is easier and faster Globalization creates a political and an economical union‚ which facilitates the agreement

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    a complex sentence‚ a Senate committee is believed to have found. (The Age‚ 13 September 2007) Nothing unites a country more than its common language because from a language comes a history and a culture. (John Howard quoted in Migrants to sit English test‚ ABC Online‚ 11 December 2006) Linguists suggest that some people deliberately choose a low status accent as a way of invoking prestige‚ although this is less common amongst women than men. The Australian-born children of migrants from Europe

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    Village Life vs City Life

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    Village life is a life that is full of fun and activities. From the morning till the evening we all are working in one way or the other. As soon as we get up we would have a family prayer. This is mostly started by dad. Everyone will come for the prayer when they hear the first song sung by Dad. It would be around 5.30 am. Then we would study for some time. After the studies‚ the next thing is to brush the teeth. While doing the brushing‚ we roam around the surroundings. Then we get ready

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    Module 3: Activity 1 Hamlet: Act I Suggested activity duration : 3 hours William Shakespeare is recognized in much of the world as the greatest dramatist ever known. Shakespeare wrote a total of 37 plays. His plays can be divided into three categories: tragedies‚ histories and comedies. "The Tragedy of Hamlet is considered to be Shakespeare’s finest tragedy. Its characters are very complex‚ specifically Hamlet. Hamlet can be analyzed on a number of levels because it contains so many themes.

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    disdain of the kindly and virtuous Brobdingnagian rulers when his gunpowder display‚ intended to impress his hosts as an exemplary product of European civilization‚ proves disastrous. An address Gulliver delivers to the Brobdingnagians describing English political practices of

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    Global Citizen

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    Nowadays I often meet the term "Global Citizen" in newspapers‚ magazines and television‚ but who exactly is a global citizen? I see a Global Citizen as someone who has a sense of their own role as a world citizen‚ respects and values diversity and other cultures‚ takes responsibility for their actions‚ has a desire to make this world better. More than 2‚400 years ago the philosopher Socrates claimed: “I am not an Athenian or a Greek‚ but a citizen of the world.” And I believe that he was absolutely

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    What are stylistic devices? In literature and writing‚ a figure of speech (also called stylistic device or rhetorical device) is the use of any of a variety of techniques to give an auxiliary meaning‚ idea‚ or feeling. Sometimes a word diverges from its normal meaning‚ or a phrase has a specialized meaning not based on the literal meaning of the words in it. Examples are metaphor‚ simile‚ or personification. Stylistic devices often provide emphasis‚ freshness of expression‚ or clarity. Alliteration

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