fundamental aim in Sikhism is to be one with the Supreme Being. Mysticism in Sikhism was introduced by its very own founder Guru Nanak in fifteenth century. He often stressed that Ik Onkar i.e. God is one. The fifth Guru‚ Guru Arjan is added divine texts from other religions into the central religious text of Sikhism - Guru Granth Sahib. In Sikh mysticism‚ the importance of the Guru‚ Grace of God‚ collective worship‚ social concern and family-life are essential
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Sikhism is the one religion that moves me the most out of all of the religions. Sikhism was founded around 5 centuries ago in 1496. It was founded by Guru Nanak Dev Ji in Punjab‚ a state in India. Sikhism is a monotheistic religion and it is based on the religions of Hinduism and Islam‚ but it is its own distinct religion. Sikhism is the fifth largest religion in the world and it consists of about 26 million followers that can be found throughout the world. Sikhism is a very compelling religion There
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I drew a parody of The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo to represent religious pluralism. Shown alongside the Christian God is Buddha‚ Ganesha‚ and Guru Granth Sahib‚ as an ode to the many other religions in the world that should be recognized. Many famous artwork is inspired from Christianity because that was the dominant faith in history. However‚ that does not diminish the validity of others. By putting religious figures from different culture in a Renaissance painting‚ it means that they too
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completely different than Janism because it was established under the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji and his successors. It is established on the principles of Justice‚ faith and Waheguru which means one God. It also preaches the ideals of peace. Self reliance and non-violence but these are secondary. As the primary concern is to attain salvation through mediation in the name of God‚ following the teachings of Guru Nanak. The Jains are strictly vegetarian. Sikhs are not vegetarian. There are‚ however
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RL ST 001: INTRODUCTION TO WORLD RELIGIONS STUDY GUIDE FOR THE FIRST EXAM The most consistent feature of the various religions that originated in India is belief in karma and reincarnation. HINDUISM Hindus call their religion Sanatana Dharma‚ which means Everlasting Teaching. Hinduism has no single founder‚ and is not centrally organized. Who is a Hindu? A Hindu is anyone who • accepts the authority of the Vedas. • is a native Indian and not a Parsee (Zoroastrian)‚ a Jew‚ a Christian
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Bhakti Movement In Medieval India ________________________________________ Causes for the birth of Bhakti Movement: Prior to the coming of Islam to India‚ Hinduism‚ Jainism and Buddhism were the dominant religions. Hinduism lost its simplicity. Many philosophical schools appeared. Two different sects‚ i.e.‚ Vaishnavism and Saivism also appeared within Hinduism. In course of time Sakti worship also came into existence. Common people were confused on the way of worshipping God. When Islam came
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On August 5‚ 2012 at 10:25 am‚ a deadly shooting killed six Sikhs because they were mistaken for Muslims. The reason was because the shooter‚ Wade Michael Page‚ wanted revenge against the Muslims for the attack earlier in 2012 and thought that Muslims and Sikhs were part of the same religion; by there are actually multiple differences between Sikhs and Muslims. The three main differences in Sikhs and Muslims are the religion‚ the language and the apparel. Even though both Islam and
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According to research‚ Sikh beliefs is said to be a “monotheistic faith formed by Guru Nanak Dev Ji in the fifteenth century‚ along with nine other Gurus sent by God to deliver his message (‚ 2017). However‚ the tenth Guru compiled all of those teachings into a Holy scripture called Guru Granth Sahib Ji (‚ 2017).Sikh beliefs about God recognizes only one God‚ who is the Creator of all things (‚ 2017). In comparison to Christianity‚ God is the creator and
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Climate of Punjab The weather conditions at Punjab are affected by the diversified geographical conditions. The hilly terrains have a cool soothing temperature throughout the year. The weather conditions are classified in four types of climate. They are Winter‚ Summer‚ Monsoons. Summer: Summer lasts from late March to the end of the month of May. The day temperatures start rising from the middle of February. The weather conditions of around 40 degrees Celsius are normal for many places in Punjab
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Punjab is a very fertile land with tropical weather and many rivers. It lies at the intersection of major ancient trade routes‚ which brought different cultures‚ ideas‚ and trade goods to the area.[1] The Sikh religion was founded in the Punjab by Guru Nanek (1469-1539) in the 1520’s. As a child‚ Nanek surprised his teachers and religious leaders by his quick learning and spiritual approach to life. This period of Indian history was one of political and religious corruption and treachery. The
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