"Hcs 330 culture and disease" Essays and Research Papers

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    Neurologic Diseases

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    PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGIC DISORDERS CEREBRAL PALSY * A comprehensive diagnostic term used to designate a group of nonprogressive disorders resulting from malfunction of the motor centers and pathways of the brain. * It is genrally characterized by paralysis‚ weakness‚ incoordination‚ or ataxia. Pathophysiology and Etiology * Prenatal Factors (Most Common) 1. Infection (rubella‚ toxoplasmosis‚ herpes simplex‚ and cytomegalovirus) 2. Maternal anoxia‚ anemia‚ placental infarcts

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    Gluten Disease

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    CD is an immunological reaction trigger by the ingestion of gluten-containing foods. This autoimmune disease involves both genetic and environmental factors that affect the small intestine in these individuals (NELMS). In this disease‚ the exposure gluten damages the intestinal mucosa of the small intestine. Gluten is the general name for proteins found in the endosperm of grains. These proteins are found in almost all grain containing foods such as bread‚ rice‚ pasta‚ and cereal. Gluten is made

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    Ligionaire's Disease

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    system. This event led to the discovery of the disease and the name “Legionnaires’ Disease” was coined. (emedicine.medscape.com 2) So what is Legionnaires’ disease? The HSE states that “Legionellosis is the collective name given to the pneumonia-like illness caused by legionella bacteria. This includes the most serious legionnaires’ disease‚ as well as the similar but less serious conditions of Pontiac fever and Lochgoilhead fever. Legionnaires’ disease is a potentially fatal form of pneumonia and

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    chronic disease

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    University of Phoenix Material Chronic Disease Resource Guide Imagine that a family member or friend‚ with a chronic disease‚ has asked for your help finding resources available to help him or her with the disease. Use the table below to compile a list and explanation of at least five resources available for your family member or friend. Your Assigned Disease: Your Assigned Location: Cancer Georgia Resource: Explanation: John B. Amos Cancer Center This center is here

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    Health Care Careers Diagram and Summary Plaridel B. Quileza HCS 531 - Health Care Organizations and Delivery Systems November 12‚ 2012 Doreen Gounaris Health Care Careers Diagram and Summary In the delivery of healthcare every member of the healthcare team plays important role in ensuring that the most appropriate care is provided to the patient to the best of their expert capabilities. The role of a pharmacist is critical in delivering quality healthcare. The article “What Pharmacist Do

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    Article Summary HCS/490

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    Article Summary HCS/490 July 21‚ 2014 Healthcare reform is a multifarious issue; entailing altered attributes. The prime objective of healthcare reform is to deliver healthcare coverage for Americans unanimously and diminution the cost of health care services (The New York State Government‚ 2014). According to New York State Government (2014)‚ "Many people feel that providing healthcare coverage to the millions of people who are currently uninsured would

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    Periondal Disease

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    and then can instruct children and get them prepared for the dental service. The frequency in take simple sugar expose the child to dental caries; the more cariogenic the diet‚ the more the teeth and the gums are exposed to cavities and periodontal diseases. Children’s favorite foods are candy bars‚ cariogenic snacks‚ jelly sandwiches‚ soft drinks because they’re more appealing to them. That diminished their appetite and those promote tooth decay. Those cariogenic food break down into simple sugars

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    Communicable Diseases

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    COMMUNICABLE DISEASES  Communicable diseases are illnesses that can be transmitted from one person to another.  Some of the examples include;  Gonorrhea  Tuberculosis  Malaria  Meningitis  Transmission is the passing of communicable diseases from an infected host individual or a con- specific (belonging to the same species) individual or group‚ regardless of whether the other individual was previously infected. MODES OF INFECTION  The main modes of infection are categorized into

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    Maryland‚ USA‚ reported in the journal Nature that nearly 200 types of fungi species live on our feet. Our feet harbor more fungi than any other part of the body. REFERENCE: MEDICAL NEWS TODAY DATE PUBLISHED: SEPTEMBER 12‚ 2014 RINGWORM DISEASE WHAT IS RINGWORM? Ringworm is a skin infection caused by a fungus. It is not caused by worms‚ and there are no worms involved‚ despite the name. Treatment with an antifungal cream usually works well.Ringworm is a fungal skin infection. There are many

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    Skin Diseases

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    Skin diseases are among the most pestiferous and aesthetically displeasing of all maladies‚ ranging from hives to leprosy. The severity of skin diseases can differ‚ although the symptoms range from simple itching to loss of skin. Specifically‚ the covered diseases in this paper are acne‚ dandruff‚ and skin cancer. Acne is probably one of the most unappealing side-effects commonly associated with teenagers. The cause of acne vulgaris‚ which is largely an inflammatory disease According to wikipedia

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