Internet or discussing it. Knowing your idea more will help you construct your work. 4. Form a hypothesis. Hypothesis will be your prediction in the idea that you choose. You don’t need to research for this. You just have to guess. Make sure it is accurate and clear. 5. Plan your experiment. Your experiment will confirm your hypothesis. Make sure the experiment will answers or really confirms the hypothesis. 6. Plan your materials. You will need on your experiment. Make sure they are easy to buy
Premium Science Scientific method Experiment
attempts to explain the observation ex: why is this happening. * * Hypothesis: a statement made to predict the solution and outcome. * * Prediction: based on the hypothesis‚ indicates the outcome. It is an IF-THEN statement. * * Conclusion: details the findings of the testing. What happened when you tested your theory? * * Results: the result is tied back to the hypothesis. Is the hypothesis refuted or supported? If the findings are refuted then ask another question
Free Scientific method Hypothesis Prediction
tomato plants. First I thought that the plants needed more water. I tried this theory and was wrong. I went back to my options on how to solve the problem. Next I thought maybe the soil needed more nutrients. Once again I was wrong. Last‚ I tried the hypothesis of the plants needing more sun‚ and placed the tomato plants in a green house. This experiment worked and the plants began producing more tomatoes. With the car I had options of car battery or fluids. I tried the car battery thinking that the cables
Free Scientific method Hypothesis Theory
form into a more complex group over time‚ better survival % The Scientific Method Step 1- Observe and Formulate Questions Step 2- Reflect on the Implications Step 3- Propose a Hypothesis Step 4- Test the Hypothesis Step 5- Analyze the Results Step 6- Support‚ reject or modify the hypothesis How to write a hypothesis: "If _____[I do this] _____‚ then _____[this]_____ will happen." The dependent variable represents the response to the factor that changes. (The utensil used) The independent variable
Premium DNA Gene Biology
method was to make a hypothesis. We did a lot of observations and educated guess to come up with a perfect hypothesis. Also‚ we made sure that our hypothesis was good enough to be testable or otherwise our investigation could not go any further. So we made a hypothesis that stated “fat sponges will secure the egg and prevent it from breaking. The third step toward our investigation was to test the hypothesis or to experiment our hypothesis. Before we test the hypothesis‚ we measured the
Free Scientific method Hypothesis Theory
Experimental Design Report Directions: To complete this assignment‚ you will ask a scientific question‚ write a hypothesis‚ and design an experiment to test your hypothesis. Think about an observation you have made recently. What kind of question or problem was revealed by your observation? Write a hypothesis to address your question or problem. Then use the scientific method to design an experiment to answer this question or solve this problem. Record all the steps in your experiment. You do
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discussed different learning theories (e.g. classical conditioning and operant conditioning) in Lecture 3. Please derive ONE hypothesis related to any real-life issues based on one of these theories and then design an experiment to test your hypothesis. When you work on this assignment‚ try to think of and answer the following questions: What is your hypothesis? What are your independent variable (IV) and dependent variable (DV)? How will you manipulate your IV (i.e. what is your treatment)
Premium Experiment Psychology Experimental design
in action‚ designing and Performancing and experiment does thumb diameter‚ length or write diameter’s have an effect on the overall chance of winning a thumb wrestling match? In this investigation‚ we will develop a hypothesis based on physical data collected and test the hypothesis. Material Thumb‚ Ruler‚ Metric ruler Procedure 1. Measure the circumference of the thumb‚ in centimeters‚ at its widest point. Record this data in the table below 2. Measure the length of the thumb using metric ruler
Premium Scientific method Empiricism Science
our day and learning more scientist study the world around them. There are 5 steps to the scientific method: 1. Make observations. 2. Propose a hypothesis. 3. Design and perform an experiment to test the hypothesis. 4. Analyze your data to determine whether to accept or reject the hypothesis. 5. If necessary‚ propose and test a new hypothesis. By using these steps we can make accurate conclusions instead of assumptions form the discovery of DNA February 28‚ 1953‚ by Watson and Crick
Premium Scientific method Science Hypothesis
increases and / or decreases when this occurs. 2. Develop a hypothesis relating to the amount of dissolved oxygen measured in the water sample and the number of fish observed in the body of water? According to my hypothesis‚ once there is more dissolved oxygen in the water‚ there is an increase to the amount of fish present in the area where the water sample is obtained. 3. What would your experimental approach be to test this hypothesis? First‚ I would take a sample from different areas of the
Free Observation Scientific method Hypothesis