THE FALL OF KINGFISHER INTRODUCTION 1. Aviation got its wings with the first flight of Wright Brothers on 17th Dec 1903. Ever since that day we have progressed leaps and bounds in this sector. Today before we get down to the integrities of our topic‚ let me start from the very beginning of Indian Airline Industry. The credit to get Airline Industry in India was by none other then the great founder of Tata Group Mr. JRD Tata. He founded Tata Airlines‚ a division of Tata Sons Ltd. as the first
Premium Airline Low-cost carrier Malaysia Airlines
low-cost business models and thereby attract passengers who might not otherwise be willing to fly. LCCs have achieved rapid growth in market share in the U.S. domestic market‚ short-haul market in Europe and recently in Asia. Since 1970‚ the international passenger traffic has grown by an average rate
Premium Indira Gandhi International Airport Airline Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport
THE AIRLINES SECTOR The aviation industry in India has grown by leaps and bounds in recent years in terms of kilometers flown as well as customers serviced. The economy of a country is substantially determined by the quality of air transport. The airlines today have made themselves more popular among its customers by various marketing tactics like: • Reduced costs of air tickets for frequent flyers. • E-ticketing i.e. virtually eliminating the need for agents. Rynair and Easy jet two of UK’s
Premium Airline Malaysia Airlines Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport
India has an eminent position in the civil aviation sector with a large fleet of aircrafts. In all‚ 56 airlines are operating scheduled air services to and through India and 22 foreign airlines are over flying Indian Territory. There are over 450 airports and 1091 registered aircrafts in the country. There are also 41 non-scheduled air transport operators. Additionally 34 applicants have been granted NOC by the Ministry of Civil Aviation for setting up non scheduled air transport operation. Air Transport
Premium Airline Indira Gandhi International Airport
development of aviation in Nepal can be traced back to the mid 1940’s‚ when a lone pilot who spluttered over the mountains‚ dipped into Kathmandu valley landing on a cow grazing field. That field‚ Gaucharan‚ is now the site of Nepal’s only international airport. In April of ’49‚ a single engine (seated) vintage Bonanza aircraft of Indian Ambassador Mr. Sarjeet Singh Mahatahia landed at Gaucharan and thus heralded the beginning of aviation in Nepal. Himalayan aviation Douglas DC-3(VT-DCE) Dakota
Premium Kathmandu Nepal Tourism
SPICE JET AIRWAYS ECONOMICS PROJECT ON SPICE JET 1 SPICE JET AIRWAYS SPICEJET AIRLINES INDUSTRY OVERVIEW At a time when most developed economies shrunk‚ a 4.7% growth during the first quarter of 2009-10‚ puts India among the top-most growing nations. In spite of the global recessionary trends‚ India managed 6.7% economic growth in the fiscal 2009. The growth in the aviation sector is linked with the growth of GDP‚ which according to latest figures released in Dec 2009 has rebounded
Premium Supply and demand Airline Low-cost carrier
Strategic Management Assignment on "Low-Cost Carriers in India - Spice Jet’s Perspective" Q1. How did the concept of LCC emerge in India? Which factors encouraged the growth of LCCs? Ans. After the liberalization policy which was introduced in 1991 the Indian market witnessed the entry of privately owned airlines and LCC. By march 1994‚ the government had approved six private carriers. However‚ by 1998 many of these airlines failed. In this closure game‚ a total of IMR 10 billion of capital was
Premium Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport Indira Gandhi International Airport Low-cost carrier
in history. Topping up an earlier plan to buy 100 planes with another 180 in the decade from 2015‚ Indigo unveiled a shopping bag for $15.6 billion (around Rs. 70‚000 crore) to buy airbus aircraft that would power its ambitions to become an international airline. Much remains to be seen in an industry which has seen many ups and downs‚ but one thing that could give Bhatia‚ 48 - an electrical engineer from the University of Ontario‚ Canada - an edge‚ is the intimate knowledge of deal¬ing with
Premium Airline Indira Gandhi International Airport Low-cost carrier
A PROJECT REPORT ON “CARTELS IN AVIATION INDUSTRY” (Report submitted on July 12‚ 2011) SUBMITTED TO: COMPETITION COMMISSION OF INDIA BY: PREETI MECHAN Vth YEAR GUJARAT NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY Email: 1 DISCLAIMER This project report/dissertation has been prepared by the author as an intern under the Internship Programme of the Competition Commission of India for academic purposes only. The views expressed in the report are personal to the intern and do
Premium Airline Indira Gandhi International Airport Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport
In 1929‚ Neville Vincent‚ a former RAF pilot came to India from Britain‚ joined TATA Sons and made a survey of all possible air routes. He presented the scheme to Director of TATA Sons. In Oct 1932 TATA Sons Ltd‚ which later become Air India International‚ commenced weekly airmail services between Karachi and Madras via Allahabad and Mumbai. Later two more airlines came—The Indian National Airways came into existence in 1933 and Air Services of India into 1937. After the 2nd World War‚ the Government
Premium Indira Gandhi International Airport Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport Airline