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    Informative Speech

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    COMM 100-06 Informative Speech Outline Title: MEDIA AND YOU Speaker: Specific Purpose: At the end of my speech‚ the audience will be able to take steps to ensure they and their loved ones are using social networking sites to their full advantage. Central Idea: Time is money and a huge aspect in our lives which we cannot rewind so we must use it wisely and efficiently especially in regards to the time spent on social networking sites to have a positive impact on our lives. Introduction:

    Premium Twitter Social network service Facebook

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    Informative Speech

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    Informative Speech Good Afternoon.My name is Aruna Arnathan Krishnan and I will be giving a specch on Botox.Do you know that over one million Botox treatments carried out each year?.The newest beauty craze that has hit the middle age market is Botox. Botox injection therapy‚ although not completely new which has come out growing since being approved for use in cosmetic improvements in 2002.Botox is used to eliminate the look of aging by reducing the appearance of wrinkles on the face‚neck and hands

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    the informative speech

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    speaking Informative speech Name: Wu Xiucheng‚ David Student ID: 13646095 Topic: Maroon5 (American pop rock band) Good morning‚ everyone. To begin with‚ enjoying this piece of song. (Play a small piece of music‚ hold on 5 seconds). Are you familiar with this song? I think you must hear this song before. Can you guess this song belong to which band? (Let audience guess the name of the band‚ maybe no one would know the answer) Yes‚ you are right. It is maroon5 Well‚ the goal of my speech today


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    Informative Speech

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    Samantha Webster CMST 2060 Informative Speech INTRODUCTION I. So‚ what did Jay-Z call his girlfriend before they got married? FEYONCÉ A. For those of you who laughed at my super corny joke‚ first off thank you‚ and secondly‚ I want to ask‚ how are you feeling after that laugh? B. Well if you feel any better its because I‚ being the wonderful classmate that I am just gave you a dose of the best medicine you can get‚ LAUGHTER! II. Laughter is a very powerful antidote for things such as

    Premium English-language films Debut albums Marriage

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    Informative Speech

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    Informative Speech #12 September 26‚ 2012 General Purpose: To inform Specific purpose: To help my audience understand one of the most magical places on Earth‚ Venice‚ Italy. Thesis statement: Beauty is found all throughout the city of Venice. The experience is like being under an enchanted spell. Introduction: I. The streets of Venice are filled with spectacular architectural designs‚ soaring bridges‚ talented artist‚ handcrafted jewelry & scarfs‚ and gondolas that float

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    Informative Speech

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    Nimo Abdi Informative speech 01/03/2013 Purpose: to inform the audience about the event Ramadan Introduction: How many of you have ever heard of Ramadan and know what it’s? Many of you maybe heard of it but don’t know what the event is. Well‚ today we will discuss what Ramadan is‚ what to do during Ramadan and ways to avoid getting tempted by food. Body: I. what is Ramadan? A. it’s the ninth month of the Islamic calendar B. Prophet Mohamed started the Ramadan and making part of the

    Free Muhammad Qur'an Islam

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    Informative Speech

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    List of Informative Speech Topics People/Celebrity Topics •Biography of an actor‚ author‚ painter‚ politician or the life of some influential person who has an important place in history E.g.: Life of Bill Gates‚ Life of Virginia Woolf etc. •Stories of real life heroes E.g. Heroes of 9/11 •Biography of some scientist‚ key inventions and how he/she changed the face of the world •Your favorite television/movie/cartoon character or any other famous personality that you like •Life of serial

    Premium Iraq War World Heritage Site Personality psychology

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    Informative speech

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    COMM 10- Elements of Public Speaking Master Make-up Artistry (Informative Speech) Specific Purpose Statement: To inform my audience about the three major types of make-up needed to be a master make-up artist. Central Idea: High Fashion‚ Character and Prosthetic/Special effects make-up are all skills required in order to be considered a master make-up artist in the industry. Introduction When I was about 3 or 4‚ I remember watching my mom put on her make up and being completely fascinated

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    Informative Speech

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    Informative Speech Dining Out VS. Dining In INTRODUCTION I. Attention getter/relevance: The Price of food has TRIPLED‚ Which results in the price of fast food has double just form the past two years. II. Establish Credibility: I have gained knowledge and tips on how to save money by cooking your meals at home by doing so you can save over a 1000$ a month. III. Thesis Statement: By the end of my presentation‚ you will have the knowledge to cut the cost of food and you will think twice before

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    Informative Speech

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    INFORMATIVE SPEECH (David Hurt‚ COM 108) Low Pay for Women Compared to Men in America How much did you pay for your car? Did you know that the difference between an average man and women’s salary is enough to purchases a new automobile in America. Below I’m going to discuss the pay gaps‚ Educational aspects with men and women‚ and why this issue is world wide. In order to better understand this issue of pay between men and women look at your wife’s or husband’s pay and you’ll see the

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