Of Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Effective jurisdiction of International law 3. Enforcement by States 4. Sources of implementation 5. Conclusion 6. Bibliography (1) 1. Introduction: International law after world war II grew by leaps and bounds due to absence of one International law regulating authority. For International law to be effective states must owe allegiance to an international organization and states are accountable of their actions on
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| International Law | | In Completion of: | Government 202-01 Professor: Dr. Jones | Clifton R. Cooper Jr. 4/28/13 International Law For many years‚ Greece and Turkey have found themselves glaring uneasily at each other. Under the Aegean Sea between them‚ oil could be found. The question came up‚ “who owns it?” Both countries claimed the areas as being within their territorial waters. Billions of dollars were at stake. Wars have been started for less; and‚ the two countries
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Introduction: International law has been regarded throughout history as the main system of rules regulating players of the international community‚ it applies to all states and imposes specific obligations and rights on nations‚ just as domestic law imposes them on individuals. Its purpose is similar to that of domestic law that is to eliminate chaos in the International community and set standards of behavior which states must follow in their dealings with each other. Many controversies have
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Public International Law Notes LAWS 6243 1. History of International Law a. Ancient: Egypt‚ Mesopotamia‚ Greece & Rome b. Middle ages: authority of Church commencement of political divisions that would become States. c. Renaissance: State as sovereign competition between States. d. Early Theories: i. Spanish philosophers central to theory ii. Vitoria: 1480-1546 1. theory of natural law: law divine from source 2
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Public International Law Summary 2001 Creation and Ascertainment of International Law Sources of International Law -int’l law governs actions between states and represents the laws that they have voluntarily assented to through conventions‚ treaties or by usages generally accepted as expressing principles of law established in order to regulate the relations between coexisting legal communities with a view to the achievement of common aims Statute of the International Court of Justice Article
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International Law Book Notes I. Chapter I A. History of International Law i. “Nations ought to do to one another in peace‚ the most good‚ and in war‚ the least evil possible” –Montesquieu to Napoleon ii. Int. law predates several countries iii. Sovereignty: must provide incentives to get other countries to sign onto treaties iv. Shoot for customs to become law; litigate issues when there is no treaty or if the treaty falls short
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INTERNATIONAL LAW OUTLINE I. THE TYPES AND SOURCES OF INTERNATIONAL LAW Statute of the International Court of Justice: (Article 38) The Court‚ whose function is to decide in accordance with international law such disputes as are submitted to it‚ shall apply: (a) international conventions‚ whether general or particular‚ establishing rules expressly recognized by contesting states; (b) international custom‚ as evidence of a general practice accepted as law; Determining custom: The general
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The International Criminal Court and the United States of America Ee Wenyang‚ Jonathan S8811568F I. Introduction The United States of America has a long history of support for international criminal justice that can be traced from the Nürnberg War Crimes Trial through to the International Criminal Tribunals for Yugoslavia (“ICTY”) and Rwanda (“ICTR”).[1] Towards the close of the century‚ the United States proved itself as an ardent supporter for the creation of a
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States (Art 57&58) -No general requirement of fault intent (Art 2)‚ except genocide -Legal under domestic law does not preclude illegality under int law (Art 3&31) -General rules in ILC Articles may be overridden by specific agreements with different rules (Art 55) (a) General principles-Wrongful act and breach ILC Art 1: Every internationally wrongful act of a State entails the international responsibility of that State. - can be one or more actions; may be attributable to more than one state
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Public International Law Nature‚ Scope‚ Basis of Public International Law. International Law assumes a society of nations and it governs the relationship of the members of this society. A system composed solely of legal rules and principles binding upon civilized nations only in their mutual relations. Professor Oppenheim has defined international law in the following words : “Law of Nations or International Law is the name for the body of customary and conventional rules which are considered legally
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