having religious independence. The differences applied to each region was what shaped them into two unique societies. The Chesapeake Bay and New England regions each faced their own unique challenges when becoming accustomed to the new colonies. Jamestown‚ for example‚ suffered from “Indian attacks‚ famine‚ and disease.” They also made the mistake of settling in an unfit area to live‚ which caused many outbreaks in malaria and dysentery. Many of the men were not accustomed to hard labor and refused
Premium England Charles I of England Government
American History Test 3 Study Guide (abeka) Dates 1607- Jamestown 1588- Spanish Armada 1517- Protestant Reformation 1492- Columbus voyage 1775- Lexington and Concord 1765- Stamp Act Congress 1774- First Continental Congress 1783- Treaty of Paris 1497- John Cabot exploration 1620- Plymouth founded 1733- Savannah founded 1619- House of Burgesses Questions 1). Who founded Maryland? - Lord Baltimore 2). Which conquistador explored the Mississippi River? - Hernando De Soto 3). Who founded Connecticut
Premium Thomas Jefferson American Revolutionary War James Madison
reasons behind it why did things end up the way they are now? How the English go from being delayed to establishing the best colony ever How the English were able to establish long lasting colonies Today everyone knows about the colonies of Jamestown and Plymouth and how they were the first two permanent English settlements in North America. The establishment of those two colonies are one of the main reasons why England was able to control the entire east coast of America. What did it take for the
Premium United States Colonialism England
tie to England. The three colonial regions have slightly different origins. “The New England colonies began with English pilgrims and Puritans (who were fleeing from religious persecution in England) sailing over to the New World and creating the Plymouth colony.” (New England History) Puritan influence also helped to shape the New England colonies‚ although many came to the New World to escape religious persecution Puritans soon overtook the New England colonies. Dutch and Swedish Lutherans settled
Premium Thirteen Colonies Religion New England
Islands with the intent of having them become “New Spain”‚ followed by present-day Arizona‚ California‚ New Mexico‚ Texas‚ Guam‚ and the Northern Mariana Islands. However‚ Britain’s colonization was centered in Virginia and Massachusetts‚ where Jamestown and Plymouth were established. What characterized these early encounters between Europeans and Indigenous Americans? This essay answers this question‚ compares and contrasts the similarities and differences between these encounters in New Spain and British
in 1550 and 4 million in 1600. * When economic depression hit the woolen trade in the late 1500‚ thousands of farmers took to the roads. * Peace with chastened Spain provided the opportunity for English colonization. ENGLAND PLANTS THE JAMESTOWN SEEDLING * A join-stock
Premium Thirteen Colonies United States Caribbean
Section Review 1: 1. What English reformer has been called the “Morning Star of the Reformation?” John Wycliffe 2. Who gave England the first printed English Bible? William Tyndale 3. What kind broke England away from the Roman church? Henry VIII 4. Who was the first explorer in the Modern Age to reach the mainland of North America? John Cabot 5. Name the supposed water passage through North America from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The Northwest Passage 6. Who was the first
Premium Elizabeth I of England English people England
A (Mostly) Historical Introduction to the Civilization of the United States. 6 Self-Contained Lectures • Colonial Times I (1600s-1770): when the British colonies in north am decided to become indep from the kingdom. • Colonial Times II • Independence: the war for indep‚ the am revolution. • The Young Republic (1790-1830): the first 40 years of the am history‚ marked the transition to a republic democracy. • The Antebellum Period (1830-1860): Before the civil war • The
Premium Thirteen Colonies United States Plymouth Colony
CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS - Italian explorer‚ sail for Queen Isabella of Spain‚ 3 ships were the Nina‚ Pinta‚ and the Santa Maria. Columbus was looking for a route East by sailing West. He is credited with discovering the New World THE JOURNAL by William Carlos Williams Christopher Columbus’ personal account (from his journal) of his final days of his first voyage and landing on the island of San Salvador in 1492 1. September 22 – why was “the contrary wind”
Premium Plymouth Colony Love Puritan
religious freedom and a better life. The permanent settlement was Jamestown ‚Virginia. Those that went there were wealthy aristocrats who searched for gold instead of working. They didn’t know how to work‚ and frankly didn’t want to learn. That all changed when John Smith arrived ‚giving the colony its future wealth and cash crop ...... TOBACCO. The Puritans (Pilgrims) who were famous for their strict religion‚ went to Plymouth Rock. Before getting off the ship they signed and created the Mayflower
Premium United States